Prescreening potential clients..

In the thread at, a discussion about short term vs. long term scheduling led to a suggestion by several clients & providers that prescreening would be helpful for guys who want to get a visit in when his schedule makes it possible to sneak away for a tryst.

Two questions came to mind:

-How many ladies would pre-screen clients even if said client wasn't ready to book a session immediately?

-How long would the lady be willing to accept that pre-screening for before she asked for screening information all over again for fresh screening?
Excellent questions.

I suspect many who recommend prescreening wouldn't actually waste their time and energy if they knew you had no intention of booking immediately.
Like they're going to go through checking references for someone who may or may not ever use them.

Perhaps if you could convince them that they are among only a few providers you are interested in then maybe.
Being able to pre-screen, and have that screening "hold" for, say, a week or even a month would allow for a guy to establish his credentials with a lady when he's able to get on a full computer to type in or copy+paste screening info (reference handles, emails, contact #s) and then go and request an appointment from his hobby phone when he's able to get away from work & familial responsibilities. He can book a session when he's away from a computer he can use to safely access p4p sites and slip away for a little playtime without having to recall screening info and typing it in on a little mobile screen or (even worse) the numeric keypads on cheap burner feature phones.

Lightesttouch was correct to point out that the time window might be very narrow when the guy is:
-horny in a way that self-service won't fix
-has money in hand
-has a schedule opening allowing for a session.

Anything that simplifies closing the deal and booking when he's all of the above will make you more money, ladies.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have always appreciated when a gent who likes to book last minute and knows he wants to see me thinks ahead and gets pre screened... Makes it so much easier..

The pre screen would last just as long as if it were someone who has been screened and met... Unless of course I see an alert pop up and I do check
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I have to agree with VL, pre-screening is great for those who usually set with short notice.
And I also agree that the screening is usually good unless an alert pops up or the guy starts to get disrespectful or rude.
VL, Tammie, thank you both for replying.

So to get more specific..

If a guy sent you a message tonight and expressed his interest in seeing you sometime in September, would you go through the effort of checking his credentials and (assuming he passes and his references vouch for him being a good client) consider those credentials valid until the end of September or until you get word that he's a problem client?

I'm trying to get specifics here, and for those ladies who are "pre-screen friendly", I'd actually like to see it posted in Showcases that you're willing to run pre-screens for client appointments up to X number of days/weeks in advance of the actual appointment booking.
wtfyourfired's Avatar
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I forgot to add that being pre screened does not mean you can use me as a reference before our first visit
Britttany_love's Avatar
I love guys that prescreen, especially if they typically try to book last minute or late night appointments when I know the ladies arent around for a vouch. I dont keep numbers or any personal information besides your handle and who vouched for you and keep that information for atleast 3-6 months and if I dont hear anything from you by then its all automatically deleted and you will have to reverify Screening can be a pain because some ladies arent reference friendly, take forever to respond, or simply cant remember the gentleman. Atleast by trying to prescreen, the lady isnt rushed and has plenty of time to notify you if a lady wont verify you or if you need to contact the lady so you can refresh her memory. I think this is why p411 is a very useful tool in the hobby because they ladies themselves verify you with your requested okay after an appointment so it typically makes screening quick and painless. Only downside I can see to pre-screening is the fact that a lot can happen in a few weeks after the gentleman has been prescreened which can cause a lady to no longer want to see you even though she has told you that you have passed her screening such as an alert being posted about: (ncns of providers, being a timewaster, hygiene problems, didnt pay a providers donation or short changed, negative attitude and rude behavior.. etc. I think typically a few days to a week before you want an appointment is good to prescreen otherwise sometimes I feel like Im screening people that never book because why are you contacting a lady a month or so out? Who knows what will happen by then, what is she has to go utr, or you have to quit the hobby, wife finds out, you get laid off from work, have to go out of town..etc then it seems like your were just wasting her time. I think if some guys knew how strenuous and stressing it can be to screen some gentlemen you would understand why so many ladies get upset when guys dont follow directions when it comes to screening. Their are some guys who dont want to go through a screening process thats cool I know plenty of ladies that dont screen, however dont contact a provider who has their screening process and requirements listed and then get pissed off when she wont see you.
Whispers's Avatar
Ya know... When I read "pre screening" the only thought that came to mind was those credit card offers and new car financing offers that come in the mail pretty regularly until you opt out.....

It could be pretty cool if a lady was smart enough to follow members, read their reviews, determine upfront who they felt was safe and send an offer.

"Congratulations! You have been prequalified for a 2 hour GFE appointment with Whore Du Jour. No further screening is necessary. Simply text the word "Accept" to me at 512-XXX-XXXX and the time you will be dropping by for your 2 hour session. Respond in the next 2 hours and the regular $500 Session fee will be a low $195"
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I've had guys pre-screen a month or more in advance.
Maybe the guy is coming into town for a visit, or our schedules just don't line up for one reason or another.
But pre-screening makes those short notice appts a possibility.
As BL said, some ladies aren't reference friendly and never respond to requests. I've even had ladies that respond but days later.
There are certain ladies who respond within a couple hours or almost immediately, which is nice. But that is one main reason for asking for multiple references.
And as VL said, just because we've screened a guy doesn't mean that we will vouch for you unless we've already met.
Raikage's Avatar
I think the only prescreening needed for established hobbyists is a PM.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-21-2016, 05:47 PM
I travel a lot, often on short notice. For me, prescreening is a very valuable tool. I will write to a lady, usually via P411 or D-C, and ask is I can be prescreened. I will tell her what I know of my upcoming trip, and whether it is tentative, firm, or "maybe".

Some say "wait until you are sure", but most will prescreen. When I find out the dates I will be there, it helps a lot, especially if they do want to follow up and contact some of the ladies who provided OKs. Even if the prescreening "runs out", the fact that we talked usually makes subsequent screening easier and quicker.
Lots of good info on here! With me being a newb, I am trying to gather as much info as possible so my first experience will surely be a positive one.

To back up a bit, can someone point me in the right direction, or give me a quick run down of what a "pre screen" entails? Copy of my ID, 3rd party verification websites, address??

Thanks in advance for the help, everyone on here has been super nice!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I think pre-screening may vary depending on the provider.
Some of us may be very strict in screening while others may only have a couple questions and even others only take references if they aren't newbie friendly.
There is a list stickied in coed of newbie friendly providers, but I'm sure there may be more that aren't on it.