Pleasant surprise of pleasant replies

I may have just gotten lucky but I'm getting a feeling that isn't the case. For everyone I've sent messages to privately, whether I am perusing a visit or I am declining one, the replies have been just lovely.

I could be just hard skinned or just a lover of lovely verbal intercourse but every one of the providers I've 'spoken' too has made me smile and feel comfortable. I've felt mentally stronger and more confident just by the manner of their replies.

Keep being badass even if you run into an asshole from time to time because you're all making a positive difference here in Austin. It's a happier city because of it.
Alphamate's Avatar
How much E did you take before you wrote that.
Little Monster's Avatar

I could be just hard skinned or just a lover of lovely verbal intercourse but every one of the providers I've 'spoken' too has made me smile and feel comfortable. I've felt mentally stronger and more confident just by the manner of their replies. Originally Posted by Lamarlogan
Ummmmmmm.... yeah. Think you may be looking for love in all the wrong places Chief.

Try this site instead!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Logs into Austin Eccie Co-ed.

Surveys it's vacuous and fallow posts.

Nothing to see here.

Logs out.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-16-2017, 01:51 PM
"For he's a jolly good Fallow. Which nobody can deny."

Nice that you brought this up but most follow Co-Ed for the drama. Or sometimes humor.
That was a sweet thing to say. Especially in Austin coed lol- as evidenced by the previous replies. Sheesh.
hothotheather's Avatar
+1 to this, I don't mind the positivity one bit