Any tips for a newbie?

Hello all I'm not really sure where to put this so forgive me if I'm wrong. I'm new to all this and this site as well and just wanted to check in and hear anyone's tips or advice for a newbie? Reliable sites, Amp's. Etc. Any advice is appreciated!
Hawks222's Avatar
Where are you located?
Lowden area. Could travel if needed since I'm in a small town I assumed I'd have to go to the larger cities.
What I did as a newbie is lurk in here for a long time. I saw what others were saying and read every encounter that popped up. You will see a trend of who most of us like and who to shy away from. Go with someone that you see mentioned a lot in a positive way.
I have been lurking all around trying to get a feel for the scene and terminology. Was wondering if an AMP would be better for a first time since it's cheaper or if it's worth it to spend the money.
x"CY"ting's Avatar
Here is my two cents worth. I always think it is worth the investment if you can afford the investment. Tell her that you are a newbie and she will tell you if she is newbie friendly or not. Some are not. Do your research!! Read everything on here and use your own knowledge to make it happen. I wish I would have had this platform back in the day!! Good Luck and have fun! It's a blast!!
1. Research everything
2. Never rush into anything
3. Search all phone numbers, reverse image search all photos
4. Make sure you know exactly what you want in an encounter and research if she will do it for you. Don’t be afraid to ask mongers, usually via PM. You might get more insight you’d never get on a review
5. It’s honestly better to go without than a subpar experience
6. Jerk off before sending a message to her. That will clear your head. If you’re just needing to bust, that can get you in trouble. If after jerking off you still want to see her, send a message
7. Don’t take anything here personally. It’s a cold hard world out there and realize that it’s your cock, your money, your choice. Anything less than that, see number five
8. Never go into debt for the hobby. It is just not worth it
9. Ultimately it’s a business transaction so think with the big head at all times. This isn’t love, this is just a good time. Never catch feelings
10. If you follow 1-9, you can have a lot of fun here so enjoy!
Love it SomeRandomGuy! #6 is classic!! LOL!
Absolutely love the advice and will keep it in mind. I am the type who will ask those who might know better/more than myself because why not right? If I can use someone's experience to avoid making mistakes or getting in situations they wished they could have avoided then I'd be foolish not to. I have honestly been thinking about this type of set up for awhile now. Not a lot of luck finding someone who is into the same stuff as me and figured surely I could just find someone to pay to do it. I appreciate the help and if anyone has any other tips or favorite sites etc. They would like to share feel free to PM me!
Hawks222's Avatar
I’d go to an amp first. That’s what I did. 3-4 times then I wanted more then I could get at an amp. There’s some good amps in CR. I’ve been to one in Davenport but it’s been 3-4 years ago and don’t remember what it was called. CR has a few good girls.
Absolutely love the advice and will keep it in mind. I am the type who will ask those who might know better/more than myself because why not right? If I can use someone's experience to avoid making mistakes or getting in situations they wished they could have avoided then I'd be foolish not to. I have honestly been thinking about this type of set up for awhile now. Not a lot of luck finding someone who is into the same stuff as me and figured surely I could just find someone to pay to do it. I appreciate the help and if anyone has any other tips or favorite sites etc. They would like to share feel free to PM me! Originally Posted by Criticalcritic
Honestly the Iowa scene sucks these days, the Quad Cities in particular. Des Moines is just a little bit better but a pale shadow of what it was even five years ago. The scene gets better if you add in sugar babies but even that is in decline these days. Preferred411 is a paid subscription service but as close to a gold standard as it will get in terms of finding reliable ladies but even that is not as good as it used to be. I know little or nothing about the AMP scene so I’ll defer to others there.

The ideal scenario might be a regular sugar baby who can accommodate your requests, some college girl or single mom who is open to ppms.
AMP and hobby can be fun but completely different in many ways. One will not teach you about the other. pros and cons to both. be careful with the SB route until you get your feet under you. Some of them will eat a newbie alive. Decide what you want to try. Figure out your accepted level of risk. (there is always risk). do your homework. read until you are comfortable or mostly comfortable as its almst impossible to be completely comfortable. FIgure out your budget. That is probably the first thing you need to do.

Remember. read read and read more. Then have fun but keep in mind it is their job to separate you from your money. As anything in life if it sounds too good to be probably is. Actually in this world it's not probably it IS
also one of the first rules is to not talk money. Find the info. I looked at your posts and you asked in a non private forum what the donation was. That info is not on there for a reason. Do not ask any provider in text etc what the donation is. maybe ask where you can find information. dont text money and activities. that is why you need to read and read more. there is a TON of information out there but you are going to need to piece it together.
I didn't realize even asking for a donation amount was a no-no, I for sure have a lot to learn in this area. I've always been by the books and have never been to a SW or the like. I am interested in paying simply because I have grown tired of spending years of my life and countless money and time on relationships only to have them be one sided or just flat incompatible. So I thought if I could simply pay for it the way I want it would solve a lot of my issues, not looking for love and I understand it's a business tho sadly I am very uneducated in this area so the learning curve is steep.Again I appreciate all the input and advice.
friendly advice. if you are looking to fill the void of a relationship, this is not the way to do it. sex, intimacy and relationships are all completely different things. there will be an acronym of IOP. Illusion of Passion. some girls have it down perfectly. they are good. but make no mistake. 99.5% of the time it is just an illusion. that isn't a bad thing though. Just be aware it's not real. enjoy it for what it is