Somewhat interested in giving one of these AMPs a shot - Whats the risk with these? Can you get in trouble just for showing up at one with a lot of reviews? Is this generally considered safer than seeing a provider? Completely new to this would really appreciate some feedback!
It has been a while since the cops ran a sting at either an AMP or impersonating a provider. I think they tend towards busting street walkers, or shutting down AMPs. Of course nothing is without risk. The AMPs in town are less likely to rip you off or mug you. I don't think I have ever heard any stories of an AMP ripping off a customer in town.
  • Touc
  • 01-16-2023, 04:10 PM
Turtle tried sending you a message but inbox full.
The biggest risk with AMP’s is the upselling and shorting you on time. Besides that they usually have alcohol to disinfect. Though some shops around this area are damn near condemned due to the mold and disrepair, but that’s a story for another time.
Turtle tried sending you a message but inbox full. Originally Posted by Touc
Sorry about that should be good now! I'm just confused on the ones with a lot of reviews you'd think they'd get shut down.