Tips for Trip to columbia? (newbie)

After watching the show narcos, I was very intrigued to see what Columbia has to offer. I've been reading many posts here, and also looked into a gentleman a guide to Columbia.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for this place? I'm an East Indian male in my mid 20's, would I be too out of place?

I want to get a great experience but don't want to get ripped off. Any tips, websites, catalogues, or point in the right direction would make this trip awesome. Thanks
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
First tip is know the difference between Colombia and Columbia pet peeve of mine,youre not the first to make this mistake. I wouldn't set my expectations,based on a TV show,but from what I understand,Colombia,offers a lot for the traveling hobbyist. Good luck.
  • Tiny
  • 09-12-2016, 03:07 PM
After watching the show narcos, I was very intrigued to see what Columbia has to offer. I've been reading many posts here, and also looked into a gentleman a guide to Columbia.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips for this place? I'm an East Indian male in my mid 20's, would I be too out of place?

I want to get a great experience but don't want to get ripped off. Any tips, websites, catalogues, or point in the right direction would make this trip awesome. Thanks Originally Posted by nunuhead89
You would not be out of place. is the best source of info. I'd recommend Cartagena or Medellin.

If you don't speak Spanish, you should be O.K. anyway in Cartagena, as long as you stick to Laguito, Boca Grande and the old city. Medellin can be a bit dicier. If your Spanish is weak, you should stay at Hotel Medellin Plaza,, at least for the first few days. The guests and proprietors there can give you an idea of where to go and how to stay safe, and you can pick from women that hang out there too.
Thanks! @tiny would you say Medellin is ok to venture out during the day or just stay at hotel Medellin and make some friends and go out after I'm comfortable? I want to make this a week and half trip and want to get the most out of these days.
  • Tiny
  • 09-13-2016, 08:24 PM
Thanks! @tiny would you say Medellin is ok to venture out during the day or just stay at hotel Medellin and make some friends and go out after I'm comfortable? I want to make this a week and half trip and want to get the most out of these days. Originally Posted by nunuhead89
There are parts of the city where you'll be reasonably safe on foot and others where you won't. And as you imply, nights are more dangerous. Except for Parque Lleras, if you're going to clubs at night take taxis to and from the clubs and don't wander around.

If you don't have someone to show you the ropes, you might hook up with a taxi driver you feel comfortable with. You probably will want to venture out during the day as there are brothels open then that are excellent value for the money. And you'll probably also want to check out La Isla and Fase Dos at night, if you like strip clubs where all the dancers fuck.

Check out the site I linked to. You should be able to find links there to a map of adult oriented businesses in Medellin and also addresses, and descriptions of the options.

The best solution as you say is to make some friends, if your Spanish isn't good.
cannoncocker13b's Avatar
Another 1st timer to colombia here. Any advantages m2 over the m1 house. I just know that the m2 is up on top of hill and it's a climb. Being that said would the m1 be more beneficial for newbie like me
I just got back from my first trip (traveling alone) to Colombia and I stayed at M1 for 5 days. M1 is where the girls hang out. If you are looking for easy access to them it's a better bet. There is more action at M1 with the pool and bar. If you are really low key then maybe M2 is better. But I liked being able to walk downstairs at night and pick from 10 chicks to have them come up to the room. Any other questions/tips feel free to ask specifics. I studied Spanish for a solid month and could communicate very basically with most chicas I met. But it is difficult to go out alone as the locals will use all sorts of words you won't understand. I used a guide named David Silva when I would go out and he was really awesome to get around with. Meeting other guests at the Mansion is pretty easy if you are even remotely outgoing. I found the city somewhat boring without knowing Spanish and was somewhat ready to come back home. I already missing hooking up with 2-3 gorgeous women every day though lol.
also, I would say that the mansion is somewhat of a dump. The rooms and hotel in general are poorly maintained. For less money you can stay somewhere much nicer... or even get your own apartment. You definitely pay for the convenience. I guess it's personal preference. The girls at the mansion are mainly 7s and a few 8s. The convenience is really nice though. Honestly, I would probably stay there again if I am traveling alone.
Thanks for all the advice and tips, it's great hearing you guys experiences. Is hobbying burn less of a hole in your wallet over there. I really think I might take the dive if so, especially cause seeing beautiful Latina here can get expensive
It is literally 20-25% of the price of girls here. You can bang 7's all day for $30-40 at the casas. Or at strip clubs or other high end places you can get 9s or 10s for $100. It's awesome in that regard.
Also, someone sent me a PM and I deleted it by accident. If that person wants to send again I'm happy to respond
Sounds awesome and maybe I should just start saving! Also what is with these small things like registering a girl at a hotel, or exit fee? What are some of the things there that are different than hobbying over here?
Registering means they have to check in at the front desk with their ID when they come to your hotel. Honestly, I like that because it protects you and them from anything shady going down (theft, violence Etc). Exit fees are at strip clubs if you want to take a girl home with you. I only went to La Isla and the cost to take a girl home for the night was almost $300 usd which is outrageous by Colombian standards.