Is that "THE" LBoog that signed up today???

LBoog, is that you?
It's gotta be the Boogie Man from fonder days. How many LBoogs do you know?!! BOOGIE MAN!!! COME OUTTA THE CLOSET AND REVEAL THYSELF!!
Amrita Lover's Avatar
The Boog is back? Really? Come on, Boog, present thyself!!
atxbrad's Avatar
Ask yourself one question. Would you call yourself LBoog if you werent actually LBoog It's gotta be him.
  • Booth
  • 01-06-2010, 05:26 PM
It was pretty clear when I got in that anyone can get into this place!
It was pretty clear when I got in that anyone can get into this place! Originally Posted by Booth
BOOTH OMG YOU GOT OUTTA THE PEN!!!!........was LBoog your cellmate? I don't think he's "checked in" here yet. Glad to have you back buddy.....clean slate and all.
  • Booth
  • 01-06-2010, 09:51 PM
Guantanamo is closed and here I am!

They don't even make me wear an ankle monitor.
LBoog, is that you? Originally Posted by TGFBI
glad to see you here my baby! Would not of been the same with out you!
Thank you Miss Monroe! Glad to see you in here too. Now, as soon as I getz some fools to get me my paper, I be seein u proper, u no whut I'm sayin!?
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Boogity! Boogity!! Boogity!!!

Sho Yo' Self, Brah!
Boogity! Boogity!! Boogity!!!

Sho Yo' Self, Brah!
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
I think Boogie is waitin' on the 2001 Space Odyessy music to start first like Elvis did before he came out for a concert........let's just hope he's not wearing sprayed on white leather pants when it happens.
Now if we could just get the original Big T-Bone in here it would be complete!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Now there's a visual I could have done without...Uggh! Thanks CandyMan.

Big that's a whole 'nuther jar of pickles. He did have a way with words though...geez!