Looking for suggestions

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This is a very vanilla thread, but I still think this is the best forum in which to ask, so any input would be greatly appreciated. I have an IRL "friend" who is fairly inexperienced sexually (not young, just vanilla), but who is expanding her horizons lately <pats self on back>. However, she recently asked my advice on the best vibrator to buy... I told her the Hitachi (of course), but on second thought, I think that may be like giving a sports car to a teenager i.e. too much power, too little experience. Given that she, like most IMO, orgasms more easily from clitoral stim than from penetration, does anyone have any suggestions for her?

I would also appreciate anyone's experience with the newish style of couples toys like the Lelo Tiani. They look Interesting, but I'm not sure how practical they actually are (e.g. do they stay in).
While the Hitachi wand is a favorite and rightly so it is limited by only 2 speeds.

But I would still recommend it with the addition of one item. Get a lamp dimmer cord that you plug the wand into and then the dimmer cord plugs into the wall. This gives you variable control over the 2 speed ranges from 0 to fill tilt boogie. I would also suggest an extension cord otherwise you may find yourself tethered to a wall socket away from where you want to have fun.

Also, condoms do fit over the head to help keep it clean.

The dimmer cord is less than $10 at walmart.

There are various attachments that fit onto it as well.