The NAACP (LA chapter) knew Sterling was a "racist"; just as the NBA commissioner knew;;; but Sterling donated"* money to the NAACP, so they looked the other way ! Taking his money and going so far as to bestow a "Lifetime Achievement" award on Sterling !

*more like the NAACP extorted "donations" out of Sterling !
and a Democrat of Jewish parents no about irony!!

According to records obtained by the independent data research tool – maintained by the Public Accountability Initiative – the owner of the LA Clippers embroiled in controversy has only donated to Democratic candidates.
Between 1990 and 1992 Donald Sterling made a $2,000 donations to the former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley, a $1000 donation to current Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, as well as a $1000 donation to the recalled former governor of California Gray Davis. Despite having a 100% track record of donating to Democrats, has no records of him donating to either of President Barack Obama’s election campaigns.
Donald Sterling was exposed Friday by TMZ making racially charged comments about African Americans to his girlfriend V. Stiviano in an audio recording.
Portions of the audio posted by TMZ included:
– “It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?” (3:30)
– “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.” (5:15)
– ”I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people.” (7:45)
– “…Don’t put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games.” (9:13)
Condemnation to Sterling’s comments has been swift. Magic Johnson speaking to TMZ said ”It’s a shame that Donald Sterling feels that way about African-Americans.” Snoop Dogg was considerably less restrained, sounding off on a video calling Sterling “”bitch-ass redneck, white bread, chicken s**t mother f***er.”
Former MSNBC host Keith Olberman took to Twitter saying it’s “time for #Clippers players to step up. Refuse to play till NBA moves against this racist jackass #Sterling. NBA can’t defend him.”
Current MSNBC host Al Sharpton went further, speaking to TMZ from La Guardia airport he said, ”No one should be allowed to own a team if they have in fact engaged in this kind of racial language.”
Sterling is currently scheduled to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP in Ma

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When you are dealing with nothing more than a bunch of " poverty pimps", money talks.
How can this be?
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  • WTF
  • 04-27-2014, 10:06 AM
He is a businessman.

I heard nothing in the tape that cried 'racist'.

We all have a form of bias towards others. In fact this dumb bitch appears to not care for folks who aren't famous and rich.

Sterling just didn't want to her from his friends about her taking pictures with blacks.

Sounds like his friends might be more biased than normal.

Have any of you listened to the whole tape?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Everybody knows that only white people can be racist.

Snoop Dogg was considerably less restrained, sounding off on a video calling Sterling “”bitch-ass redneck, white bread, chicken s**t mother f***er.”
I bet all of the big wigs at the NAACP are on the phone screaming to the Commissioner, "wait until his check clears the bank".

Hypocritical bastards.
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  • WTF
  • 04-27-2014, 12:29 PM
He was dating a half black half Mexican gold digger....just how was he racist?
He is a businessman.

I heard nothing in the tape that cried 'racist'.

We all have a form of bias towards others. In fact this dumb bitch appears to not care for folks who aren't famous and rich.

Sterling just didn't want to her from his friends about her taking pictures with blacks.

Sounds like his friends might be more biased than normal.

Have any of you listened to the whole tape? Originally Posted by WTF
But what about this "Cliven Bundy" thing?
Cliven would like to Thank.. Mr Sterling... LOL
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  • WTF
  • 04-27-2014, 04:41 PM
But what about this "Cliven Bundy" thing? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What about it? I've already posted my view that. He should have just talked about welfare recipients in general and not blacks in particular. It made him look racist , that does not mean it is so. His problem is that he is a mooch, just like the black folks he was talking about.
He is a businessman.

I heard nothing in the tape that cried 'racist'.

We all have a form of bias towards others. In fact this dumb bitch appears to not care for folks who aren't famous and rich.

Sterling just didn't want to her from his friends about her taking pictures with blacks.

Sounds like his friends might be more biased than normal.

Have any of you listened to the whole tape? Originally Posted by WTF
Are you looking for employment as a spin doctor? That is an awful lot of bending over backwards to NOT find racism.

If this guy was one of the Koch brothers, I think you would be singing a different song - as would every leftie on this board.

This guy and his sugar baby deserve each other.

He is 80. Exactly what did he think was going to come from dating a 20-something? Sterling's wife is suing the bimbo for getting cars and cash from him using money that belongs to the wife (allegedly).

She got her revenge by taping him. He got caught saying what he really thought about "the blacks" - including not wanting them at his games.

They are both trash.
He was dating a half black half Mexican gold digger....just how was he racist? Originally Posted by WTF
LOL. Seriously? Take a look at IBHankering's reviews.

Every provider our resident Confederate sees is black or Asian.

And, judging by the looks of them, most have penises to boot.
Are you looking for employment as a spin doctor? That is an awful lot of bending over backwards to NOT find racism.

If this guy was one of the Koch brothers, I think you would be singing a different song - as would every leftie on this board.

This guy and his sugar baby deserve each other.

He is 80. Exactly what did he think was going to come from dating a 20-something? Sterling's wife is suing the bimbo for getting cars and cash from him using money that belongs to the wife (allegedly).

She got her revenge by taping him. He got caught saying what he really thought about "the blacks" - including not wanting them at his games.

They are both trash. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Well ain't you all high and mighty. Calling people trash. Your day is coming boy.
LOL. Seriously? Take a look at IBHankering's reviews.

Every provider our resident Confederate sees is black or Asian.

And, judging by the looks of them, most have penises to boot. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Check him out... nyRACISTer... LMAO