A redneck's idea of revenge

hotrix1's Avatar
A kid walks into a whore house with a dead frog. He goes to the front desk and sets his dead frog up on the counter top.
The man at the desk says, "We don't allow kids here."
The kid puts $100 bill on the counter and the man replies, "Ok, what do you want?"
The kid says, "I want to have sex with the girl here that'll give me the most STD's."
"We don't have women like that here. Sorry, buddy."
The kid puts another $100 bill on the table.
"Ok, kid. All the way down the hall - last door on the left."
After awhile, the kid comes out of the room. As he's walking out the front door, the man stops him.
"Hey, kid! Why in the world would you do that? You basically just killed yourself."
The kid looks up at him and says, "I'm gonna go home and fuck my babysitter. When my parents get home, my dad will take the babysitter home and he'll fuck the babysitter. Then, my dad will come home and fuck my mom. In the morning, after my dad leaves for work, the mailman will come by and my mom will fuck the mailman...And that's the motherfucker who ran over my frog."
n0laARIES87's Avatar
Sssooooo basically instead of coming up with a method to get back at the mailman directly, the little boy took a plane trip to a place he could've walked to.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Exactly! Funny shit! Annie
Just what this place needed, a FUNNY FIX! Thanks for the giggle, hotrix1!
I almost pissed my pants laughing thank u im telling everyone I know this joke
hotrix1's Avatar
Glad you got a laugh out of it. That's the point, having fun on eccie doesn't always have to involve sex or business.

So your showcase says you're Greek. But I don't see any trips to the islands. What's up with that Taylor?