Questions, questions, questions.

Kelticwind's Avatar
As a part-time hobbyist I read a lot of ads on various web sites. Mostly I just lurk in the background and don’t say much, just keep to myself and occasionally use the information I find here and other places to occasionally meet with lovely ladies to fulfill some life long fantasies for ever so brief a moment.

A lot of the ads I read leave me with many questions I would like to ask the provider who posted the ad.

Here are a few that I would like to ask:
  • Why do you call yourself Juicy? What kind of juice is it and will you clean it off before I get there?
  • Why do you call yourself a Stallion? Stallions are male horses, what are you hiding down there?
  • You’re Black and yet you say no AA men, what’s up with that? I guess so much for the old saying “once you’ve tried black….”
  • You posted 6 pictures of obviously 2 different girls which one am I supposed to believe is you?
  • You posted 6 different ads in 3 different areas, all claiming you are new to this, you did the same thing last week and the week before, When do you stop being New?
  • You advertise as a low volume provider and your running a $50 special, how low volume can you be?
  • You advertise that you are independent yet you’re phone number Google’s 6 more girls, are they Independent too?
  • Your ad said drug free or disease free, but not both is this your attempted at truth in advertising?
  • You offer a GFE, does that mean your going to get a headache or be in that special time of the month when it comes time for our BCD session?
So what question would you like to ask the lovely ladies out there advertising in the Classifieds? Ladies what questions would you like to ask us?

Next time:
Photo’s what not to use in an ad.
So true!!! I laughed at this...Funny but true..Melissa012
Trinity Kane's Avatar
that's soo funny but so true...