stop paying for sex

  • cosoj
  • 05-11-2015, 08:07 AM
Just read article in today's paper where the writer encourages men to stop paying for sex. He insinuates that by paying for sex men are supporting human trafficking particularly of underage women. He is not the first to use this argument. The anti prostituton people including law enforcement are using this tact to attack the hobby and strip clubs. Remember the hype before the super bowl? I fear the morality police will use "human trafficking" as justification to conduct a witch hunt against all who participate in the hobby.
I'm so old and ugly (as most of the women my age), that I have to pay or settle for Internet porn. And I stay clear of anyone who isn't over 25
Was that the Dallas Morning Snooze or Ft. Worth Startlegram?
He's clueless about us here, whoever he is. Seen that argument before...
pyramider's Avatar
Men always pay for sex, hobby or real life.
Except for a couple of trips across the Texas border and a drive to the hood in South Dallas almost 40 years ago, I have never paid for sex - only donations for time and companionship. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. You other fucktards are to blame, lol.
plove35's Avatar
I try to only see american women...I AMP once, but not for me. IMO I feel the amps are more than likely to be engaged in sex trafficking than the indy ladies on here
If someone is trying to tackle a nebulous issue like human trafficking, since they can't do anything about the border towns or other countries that do this en masse, they go after the easiest target - adults in America doing what they want to do with other adults. It's stupid and everyone here knows it, but the general population loves a good hysterical reaction.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The comments are encouraging. People get it.
pyramider's Avatar
The article reminded me of the old porn crusades. Back in the day if one wanted to watch a lot of porn, one joined the anti porn groups.
I'll put an ad in the church bulletin next Sunday.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Now, that's what I call a "Church Social !!"
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Men always pay for sex, hobby or real life. Originally Posted by pyramider
Not true, it was free in my partying & college days
OldGrump's Avatar
I believe we should declare June "Stop Paying for Sex Month". During that month, any ladies who aren't being exploited or managed offer free sex. The rest would be highly suspect.

On the plus side, there would be no risk of arrests.

If any ladies want to participate, please PM me. If you think what I think you think, no PM is necessary - I get it.

I agree with Fawty. There is more sexual exploitation taking place at our border crossings than in all the BP ads in Texas. Deal with that and leave us alone.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I'm only paying for the blowjob. The sex is free.
slims099's Avatar
I'll put an ad in the church bulletin next Sunday. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
LOL you would bank!! $$$
bojulay's Avatar
Not true, it was free in my partying & college days Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
Not true, they are paying for it now from their neglected (diverted) purpose of actually learning something instead of chasing skirts, and ridiculous college loan debt.