Outing on Craigslist

A couple of hours ago, my phone started blowing up with text messages pertaining to "Craigslist ads" that someone posted with my personal info.

Below are screenshots of the ads, after editing out my personal info, hobby & real life name, real life phone number, and a reference to a forbidden topic.

Certain clues within the ad lead me to believe it is the doing of one specific provider here. I don't know anyone else who consistently spells that like "Tht" and please like "pls."

Board disagreements are one thing, but it's never ok to out anyone's real life info. That's below the belt, and taking things way too far.


While I agree with outing on other websites is never a good thing, I will also say, that making allegations of it, without actual proof, is also not a good thing. All these providers, that want to bicker and bitch back and forth is quite ridiculous. Reminds me of a bunch of high school kids with all their little groups. The he said she said gossip columns belong elsewhere. Learn to leave each other alone and we wouldn't be having any issues.
I try to stay out of drama as much as possible but I have to say this is going way to far. Name calling and bitching back and forth on the boards is one thing but outing someone in this manner is horrible. I have absolutely no idea who this is but remember if they will do it to one they will do it to all. Gentleman as well as ladies. No one is immune to such vile treatment.
I agree that at times we sound like teenagers bickering over stupid stuff. However, we are not in a race to be homecoming queen. We are trying to make a living , paying kids college tuition, our rent, car notes and saving for survival.
I hope that this person realizes how damaging their actions are .... To you Ginger. I also am a true believer in karma so this person will suffer at some point.
It would be so much easier and FUN if we could all just get along!!!!!
Again so sorry this happened to you Ginger.
Hogfan69's Avatar
Similar allegations were aimed at your sidekick not too long ago so I don't know why you would be so shocked that stuff like this happens. Everyone should learn to mind their own business instead of acting like kids.
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Similar allegations were aimed at your sidekick not too long ago so I don't know why you would be so shocked that stuff like this happens. Everyone should learn to mind their own business instead of acting like kids. Originally Posted by Hogfan69
This does seem to be Happening a lot lately it wasn't long ago someone posted an ad with another providers real name and some pictures that had not been made public... I agree this is unacceptable... I am sorry this happened Ginger
It's unacceptable. But I will say that when you are outspoken on the internet, you run the risk of people violating your privacy. Doesn't make it right but that's the risk we take when posting our opinions here. You can't control how offended, crazy or vengeful other people are.
It is highly unacceptable. Who ever does this kind of thing better watch there back.cause the walls might come down on um.

Board disagreements are one thing, but it's never ok to out anyone's real life info. That's below the belt, and taking things way too far.
Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Very true. Some people are just so obsessed that they cannot let go and do out you in the RW. There is very little you can do about it once it is out there. One poster whom I have quoted below knows a thing or two about outing others she is obsessed with, which is probably why she posted on this thread. It is really bad when a member asks for and receives a favor or pays say a hacker to get your personal info, where you live, work and your phone number.

It's unacceptable. But I will say that when you are outspoken on the internet, you run the risk of people violating your privacy. Doesn't make it right but that's the risk we take when posting our opinions here. You can't control how offended, crazy or vengeful other people are. Originally Posted by THN

See my last sentence above your quote.
Please refer to the last sentence in my post above. Thanck you.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
A couple of hours ago, my phone started blowing up with text messages pertaining to "Craigslist ads" that someone posted with my personal info.

Below are screenshots of the ads, after editing out my personal info, hobby & real life name, real life phone number, and a reference to a forbidden topic.

Certain clues within the ad lead me to believe it is the doing of one specific provider here. I don't know anyone else who consistently spells that like "Tht" and please like "pls."

Board disagreements are one thing, but it's never ok to out anyone's real life info. That's below the belt, and taking things way too far.

Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Ok, first let me say that this is in no way, shape, form, or fashion ok. It does not matter how pissed of you may get or how much you dislike a client or provider it is NEVER OK TO OUT SOMEONES PRIVATE INFORMATION!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE...Do you not realize that doing this puts us all in jeapordy. You really need to grow the fuck up but please believe what goes around comes around and u will reap what you sow
Anyone who outs anybody else is a threat to us all. And any time I hear about something like this I am reminded that if someone will out a provider, they will out me if I give them any rope to hang me with. Sorry this happened to you.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Wow...that's messed up! It's never OK to out anyone for anyone reason. Hopefully you can find out who did it!
Couldn't have worded it better gameisrigged. No room for putting personal information out there. This is a circle of trust and a community. While there are always differences, no ones information should be revealed in such a manner. Drama is one thing. That is wrong.
Like I posted earlier, not funny but you bring out the worst in many people, this is not the first time you have been targeted and your ability to provoke and bully creates a bad atmosphere, not wanting to blame the victim but karma is what happens when you bully people, how many threads have drama and you aren't involved, again not blaming you and it is wrong but the drama created and perpetrated in your posts, doesn't surprise me this has happened