What's up with Heidi these days? a shit storm cometh, but hopefully not

Heidi.Fly's Avatar
Hey y'all, it's me Heidi, your Fort Worth favorite.
I know things have been up in the air with me for a
bit now; but, the worst part (or what I assume is the
worst part, I'm likely wrong) is over. So, hopefully
I'll be back in the swing of things soon.

I'm really moving tomorrow, like really really.
I have to be out by 4pm. I have a gentleman and
a truck coming at 9am. I sure could use another
gentleman or two to help me out. I have next to nothing
to move. 1 full size bed (mattress and box springs),
2 large dressers, and 2 night stands. We're going 2 blocks
with it and no stairs. I would be most grateful to anyone
who helps me, and I will be sure to set aside some
of my very valuable time to thank you. Please text if you
are able to help. 682-400-4201

Also, I wanted to warn everyone that I expect backlash
from my soon-to-be ex and his minions that may take the
form of bad reviews or bad mouthing. So, should any of that
crop up, please consider the source. If it's a new account, or
even fairly new, within the last 5 or 6 months, it could quite
possibly be fraudulent. I will continue to offer my stellar
companionship as I always have, and will be taking
precautions on my end to make sure that I can prove that any
negativity is fraudulent, should it happen. I also suspect that
someone may be sent in to hurt me. As such, I will not
be seeing newbies for a while, and if I do, the screening
will be thorough.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Who says "h*****s" don't have friends, huh? Lol

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 12-26-2019, 11:21 PM
Unfortunately my truck and I already have a commitment for all day tomorrow or I would gladly assist. I have had the pleasure of seeing Heidi before and would suggest if you have the time and the vehicle it is well worth your time. Good Luck to you.
baldbrotha1's Avatar
This is a very mature and professional post of you! I don't have a truck, but sounds like you're making the right move for 2020! Be encouraged beautiful!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...looking forward to a visit at the new place.
bigunmc2002's Avatar
Good luck baby. Can't help move, but we got your back on reviews.
Hectorsilverman's Avatar
I believe she got her things moved, by a couple of WK’s
Speedjet's Avatar
Heidi, you're one of the very few talented, down to earth providers I have ever met. The best BBBJ in DFW..IMHO. I wish you all the best and I will be seeing you at your new place soon. Keep up the good work Hun.
Sooo happy for you.
mtabsw's Avatar
Heidi, sorry for all of your problems, glad you got some help. I’m out of town, but will try again when I get back and give you more advance notice of being nearby.

Personal thanks to the hobbyists who stepped up to help you. Since Heidi was very up front about exchanging her time for your work, it sounded like a very nice deal for everyone. Personal opinion, I think the WK label should be reserved for the asshats who share PA info in hopes of currying favor, or other tilting-at-windmill kinds.