Another school shot up, more kids dead and more of the same platitudes from the left

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, that's the real story. Every time someone psycho shoots up a school the left says the same thing...every time! More restrictions on lawful people. More gun control. Let's ban something. It won't do anything, it wouldn't have prevented the latest tragedy, but it makes the left feel good. Every time, without fail. You'd think that they would try something different or maybe they like dead kids?

There are about 130,000 schools in this country. 98% of shootings take place in a "gun free" zone. 94% are done by people with a record of major drug usage, mostly prescribed drugs. This latest shooter like others have publicly said (or post humorously) that they passed on one school or another because they would face armed security. There has to be a reason why that works. Instead, we have the left praise teachers and workers for facing a deranged killer with their bare hands! Talk about deranged. The left is deranged as they would rather have talking points than safe schools.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they like to stir the pot; as they've got nothing better to do.
And every time the wingnuts attack the left before you do the shooter, the source of the weapon, or the weapon itself. Before any questions are answered, you blame the left.
You criticize but suggest nothing.
You bring nothing to the table. You bitch and moan but have nothing to offer.
We're used to that.
No link because you are lying. Like usual.
Yep, that's the real story. Every time someone psycho shoots up a school the left says the same thing...every time! More restrictions on lawful people. More gun control. Let's ban something. It won't do anything, it wouldn't have prevented the latest tragedy, but it makes the left feel good. Every time, without fail. You'd think that they would try something different or maybe they like dead kids?

There are about 130,000 schools in this country. 98% of shootings take place in a "gun free" zone. 94% are done by people with a record of major drug usage, mostly prescribed drugs. This latest shooter like others have publicly said (or post humorously) that they passed on one school or another because they would face armed security. There has to be a reason why that works. Instead, we have the left praise teachers and workers for facing a deranged killer with their bare hands! Talk about deranged. The left is deranged as they would rather have talking points than safe schools. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Sounds like you eat rice out of a pot with a inch thick layer of burned rice on the bottom that never gets scraped off.

You have nothing "better" to do so you do nothing.

There haven't been any suggestions from the wingnuts. Complete background checks (something the vast majority of Americans agree with) are too much trouble for wingnuts to implement.
Why? What do they fear?
The only possibility is they're afraid they won't pass the check.
No guns, no votes.
they like to stir the pot; as they've got nothing better to do. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
And every time the wingnuts attack the left before you do the shooter, the source of the weapon, or the weapon itself. Before any questions are answered, you blame the left.
You criticize but suggest nothing.
You bring nothing to the table. You bitch and moan but have nothing to offer.
We're used to that.
No link because you are lying. Like usual.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Sigh, you actually proved the op post.
His answer is to always spew venom to all comments he doesn't like, typical of the left...
Sounds like you eat rice out of a pot with a inch thick layer of burned rice on the bottom that never gets scraped off.

You have nothing "better" to do so you do nothing.

There haven't been any suggestions from the wingnuts. Complete background checks (something the vast majority of Americans agree with) are too much trouble for wingnuts to implement.
Why? What do they fear?
The only possibility is they're afraid they won't pass the check.
No guns, no votes.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
... Now... now ... NO thread hijacking! ... Rice??

There won't be any suggestions. And why?
Because the Second Amendment shall NOT be infringed!

#### Salty
Sounds like you eat rice out of a pot with a inch thick layer of burned rice on the bottom that never gets scraped off.

You have nothing "better" to do so you do nothing.

There haven't been any suggestions from the wingnuts. Complete background checks (something the vast majority of Americans agree with) are too much trouble for wingnuts to implement.
Why? What do they fear?
The only possibility is they're afraid they won't pass the check.
No guns, no votes.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
The 4473 form is pretty much a background check. There are questions on that form which pertain to a substance abuse, Felony convictions ect. What more can you want. Anyone who lies on the form can face some pretty hefty consequences.
The 4473 form is pretty much a background check. There are questions on that form which pertain to a substance abuse, Felony convictions ect. What more can you want. Anyone who lies on the form can face some pretty hefty consequences. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Unless your name is Hunter Biden.
VitaMan's Avatar
There is no "there" there on most of these posts. Always just the word "left".

May just as well use "the vast right wing conspiracy" term when discussing the right.
Unless your name is Hunter Biden. Originally Posted by Mclovin54
That's interesting isn't it? Rep Tiffany asked ATF Director Wilcox about that fact. Wilcox claims he didn't know the particulars of the case so he declined to comment further. lol.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
And every time the wingnuts attack the left before you do the shooter, the source of the weapon, or the weapon itself. Before any questions are answered, you blame the left.
You criticize but suggest nothing.
You bring nothing to the table. You bitch and moan but have nothing to offer.
We're used to that.
No link because you are lying. Like usual.
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
My OP was not about answers. It was about provoking thought and shining a light on some truth.

You've spoken many lies which seems to be your MO.

Over the years, I and others have suggested:
hardening out schools to attack but physical design changes.
allowing concealed carry among adults on campus.
training teachers to be able to defend, by whatever means, against this maniacs.

These suggestions are years in the making and the fact that you are unaware, or more likely, just want to deny them says alot about you and your love for dead kids.

You called me a liar but I was banned for half the time you've been a member. Logic suggests that you are using a burner handle which is against the rules. So you lie, you deceive, and you love dead kids.
Precious_b's Avatar
Seem to remember the OP putting out a thread like this in the past.

People can bitch, moan n groan.

Until something is done, gonna happen again.

Or as I said prior: wash, rinse, repeat.

Gotta be a better answer than more guns since we already have that.
Seem to remember the OP putting out a thread like this in the past.

People can bitch, moan n groan.

Until something is done, gonna happen again.

Or as I said prior: wash, rinse, repeat.

Gotta be a better answer than more guns since we already have that. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I think less criminals would do the trick.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...May just as well use "the vast right wing conspiracy" term when discussing the right. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Thank you Hillary...