Bad day at the beach...

ben dover's Avatar
15 fans hurt at daytona....was watching it live on ESPN....BD
Lexxxy's Avatar
I'm curious about if there were any deaths, an engine was Flung into the crowd.
ben dover's Avatar
I'm curious about if there were any deaths, an engine was Flung into the crowd. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
The engine did NOT make it to the crowd, it was just inside the fence along with some of the front suspension. A tire/wheel and upper/lower a frame piece did make it into the bleachers. It's a bad on for sure. There are two people in critical condition but stable......BD
pyramider's Avatar
The rednecks are in heaven. Look for the car parts to show up on ebay soon.
ben dover's Avatar
Here's a video from right next to where the tire landed....BD
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-24-2013, 08:33 AM
I say we ban NASCAR. It should be an easy one to do since it is not mentioned in the Bill of Rights. If just one life is saved, it is worth it.
most real fans understand the assumed risks.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-24-2013, 09:12 AM
most real fans understand the assumed risks. Originally Posted by DomCapers

I bet "understand" still equates to them filing law suits.
follow the money
just a guess, youll see an outpouring of generosity and help
It is not potentially as lethal, but I'm always amazed at the risk that the spectators at the Tour de France are willing to be exposed to in the event of a crash:

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Raquette Lake's annual Winter Festival is held each year—it's a great way for the entire family to spend a chilly winter weekend, whether you participate in activities or just come to watch the fun. Activities include snowshoe races, a demolition derby, skating races, a spectacular parade and much more, culminating with an awesome display of fireworks.

I found this above write up, but could not find pic's or video.

its part of the harvesting the ice Winter Festival. ice is harvested. then the Festival. derby is on the last day.

set up
pick a spot on the lake where ice will support 6 to 12 cars. Plow out a rink that will hold what ever number cars. Making a snow berm around the rink with one open spot. Drive cars onto the rink. Plow in the opening. spectators stand on the berm around the rink to watch the demo derby.
"Andelle Andelle Jeff Gooowoordon in the black ss with the navigaation"....Ei Ei UUtttt OOOhhh