Does an alpha woman need the love of a beta male?

I made the mistake from early on, playing the traditional, expected role of damsel in distress - while seeking the knight in shining armor... Only to discover he doesn't exist.

After much trial & pain - of course...

I can't say for other similar females out there, but I know, that, for Myself...

I need a weaker, softer man - to manage, control, guide, have Worship me, etc et etc

(not to be confused with a 'weak' man)

I enjoy being a alpha beta fem, which to Me, represents... I acknowledge I have the characteristics of alpha - but I also acknowledge my outer role as a traditional fem - and I strive, to combine - best of both Worlds.

Obviously, I was born a fem, for a compelling reason, to play that role, just as you were created a man, for a compelling reason, to fulfill that role - but inside, we're also both different people.

I guess... I'm trying to say, I enjoy strong beta males.
Who can be useful to me, resourceful ...yet yielding

Just as you expect me to be treated as a Goddess ...and use my inherent 'dominant' characteristics as well...

What about you...

Are you, the beta male... have looked for other beta females ...or just preferred more stronger.....

dun, dun, dun...

p.s Interesting article @
Lhornbk's Avatar
As I have said before, I live to worship a beautiful, dominant woman! I consider myself an alpha male in nearly every way, including my protective instinct when it comes to women, but in I want her to be in control in the our private life. It takes a strong man to give up that control and submit to her.
Does a shark want a penguin as a mate? knowing fullwell the penguin is food?

No, it's ridiculous, sharks want other sharks. Your great white, pussy pounder is out there.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-23-2015, 05:20 PM
I tend to agree with a fair bit of ZS's post this time. Opposites do often attract in this arena, and people who--for whatever reason--submerge one pert of their personality in public, often overcompensate in their private lives. Not only in sexual aspects.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

chicagoboy's Avatar
Does an alpha woman need the love of a beta male? Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Apparently, yes - if she wants to be able to pay her bills.
Geez, these threads are getting old.

I think she is looking for a gullible guy to be her husband.