Sorry Gents and Ladies!

Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
Hi everyone...

If anyone has tried to contact me today or will be trying to contact me tomorrow (Monday) I have not had access to my email and am just now around a computer.

My grandfather is very ill and and I am out of town for a few days until he passes. He will be taken off of life support tomorrow after the rest of my family has all flown in. Please send prayers and blessings that he may go swift and without pain, and that our family will make it through this hard time.

To those whom I have appointments set up with for Monday, I am sorry but I have not had access to my email server and have not been able to contact you to let you know I am out of town. Please do NOT think that I forgot about you, but I do not have your info with me to contact you. I ran off as soon as my family called this morning and left my compter at home, thinking I would be back this evening.

I will have access to my email on and off Monday, and will be back Tuesday most likely.

Thanks to everyone who has read this, and I hope to be back soon!

fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar

Take care of yourself and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this trying time.

steverino50's Avatar
Prayers offered and a virtual hug.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
My dear I will pray for you and your family as well.
I hope you and youre family are okay my prayers are with you.
My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I pray for for your continuing strength and comfort in the next few days.

Here if you need someone to listen
LatexLover's Avatar

I will pray for you and your family during this difficult time. I am sorry for your impending loss.

Wishing you every good thing,
My prayers are with you Red Head
Always a tough situation. Take care of yourself anf your family.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Take Care
Energizer's Avatar
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....
wolfpak's Avatar
my thoughts are with ya darlin!
I'm very sorry to hear that Julie. Family always comes first. I hope for his sake that he is in little discomfort for his passing. Your family will be in my thoughts. Take care.
As you know, this community pours their hearts, thoughts, feelings and prayers out to you and your family. I will pray for healing and understanding within your extended family. May God bless you and your family. Keep the Lord's promise close to your hearts and let the children learn from this event that life can be wonderful, and when it is done, their Grand Father waits to greet them into the glory of heaven.
I wish and pray for a blessing of peace to all that mourn with you and your family.
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
Thanks so much for all the payers and kindness everyone... I must have some strong genes in my family as we took him off everything yesterday afternoon and even went in and had a big family toast, and he is still in stable condition this morning. I came back to Dallas to get some things today, but will be going back out this evening if he is still hanging on.