CISPA vote means companies can't promise to protect privacy

"Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other Internet companies and e-mail providers will be prohibited from making legally binding promises to protect your privacy, thanks to a vote this afternoon in the U.S. House of Representatives.

By a 5-8 vote, the House Rules committee rejected a bipartisan fix to the CISPA data-sharing bill that would have ensured companies' privacy promises -- including their terms of use and privacy policies -- remained valid and legally enforceable in the future.

The vote came after Rep. Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican who's the committee's influential chairman, urged his colleagues to vote against the amendment (PDF). All of the committee's eight GOP members voted against the amendment, and all the Democrats supported it. (See CNET's CISPA FAQ."
Seriously, no comments on this? I think that it's just a little more important than multiple threads about the Boston Marathon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is EXTREMELY important! That's why people are ignoring it. Once again, the Republicans have taken a firm stand AGAINST freedom, and have offered more power to the government to invade our lives. If not outright treasonous, it is very close.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Typical the repubs pass something next post you blame Obie your old wrinkly ass is showing again Old fart.
LovingKayla's Avatar
This is just as bad as gun control. They are literally throwing a huge pile of shit at the wall knowing something will stick. In this last year I did truly learn for the very first time that there is no difference between repukes and democraps. They are all full of shit and none of them have our best interest at heart, just their own power.

It's really is too bad the regular folks like us can't stop being the hatfields and mcoys long enough to pull together to stop them. In effect, this is OUR fault. And we will all suffer for our short sightedness and anger for the other side. For myself I'm really sorry for my blanket statements that have been made in frustration of the people in power. Fat lotta good it does though.