Steelers 2023 season

bambino's Avatar
Well, it’s a new year, new GM, new players. A new mindset to get back to physical football. Here’s their 2023 schedule

They open up with 2 good teams at home, and finish with two good teams on the road. My glass is always half full. I always lived my life with a positive attitude. I think they will be a playoff team. 10/7

What say you?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m optimistic about next year, given how well they played once Kenny was put in as starter.
bambino's Avatar
I’m predicting 10/7. Mainly because they got more physical on both side of the ball. That’s where a majority games are won. I think Pickett will be better. Hopefully, Tomlin/Canada will turn him loose and let him play.
Lots of promising young players in their first, second, and third years, plus 4-5 pro-bowl/all pro level vets, and an upgraded O line. The AFC is stacked, but I think they can go between 10-7 and 12-5, possibly win the North, and honestly once they get in the playoffs, anything is possible. As usual, a lot depends on health. TJ's injury killed their season last year. Even last year, with him at top form, they were capable of beating anyone, and I see them as improved over last year.
bambino's Avatar

Steelers bring back Mason Rudolph! I see this as a good move. Teams went thru 3 QBs last year. Rudolph knows the offense and the personal. He knows his role and won’t be a problem.