Upper Deck Hotel

Anyone ever stayed at Upper Deck Hotel in South Padre? It’s an adults only hotel and I found a picture online of the hot tub rules and it says clothing optional. Anyone have any recon there? Just wondering if that’s for real and what the vibe is there. Would be staying there as a single male and don’t want to be a perv but can go with the clothing optional flow if it’s there.
It is a �� friendly hotel. I’m a straight male not into dudes at all but I stayed there a few times. Never saw anyone in the hot tub but I never ventured to that area late nights. I mainly just stayed there for the room. The bar has food and great drinks and they have been trying to be more rounded bar and have live bands there a lot. But they mostly say adults only because they prefer no kids there. Not because it’s any type of swingers place. Anyone can go to the bar and pool but only people staying in hotel can go to hot tub area.
vanessa956's Avatar
Can you go naked in the hot tub, because that would be something I’d do, in public. With all eyes on me. So hot!
Right on Vanessa. That’s what I’m trying to find out. I have read that it used to be a predominantly gay establishment but I’ve also read that since Covid it’s been bought by new owners and it’s not so much anymore. I will toftt here and check it out. And I’m jumping in the hot tub naked. I’ll be back on here either asking for bail money or getting Venessa’s ass over here.
Well it’s not a clothing optional dammit. Had a great time though. Great bar with good bar food. Not plush but easy to make friends there.