The Government Lies

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Building 7 was a controlled implosion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You might want to remind us who's administration was behind this bullshit, Whiny.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just watch the video, AssupTrump. Understand the science first, then we can look for the perps.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Building 7 was a controlled implosion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
911 was most definitely a self inflicted wound on this country. It was the biggest lie imposed on the American people since the JFK assassination. We should be thankful for the groups that extend their knowledge and expertise in bringing out the truth of 911 and crushing the original narrative that they have proven to be absolutely ridiculous. Thanks for posting this.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Gee. I guess the FIFTEEN HUNDRED architects and engineers and eyewitnesses and the BBC reporter who said Building 7 collapsed TWENTY minutes before it did missed that. NIST is a cover up. Plain and simple. The government is lying. I want to know why.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey COG, read the thread below. Let's not waste time having the same discussion over and over in an endless loop. You've already been handed your ass on this 9/11 truther nonsense time and time again... please find a new conspiracy theory for us! We're bored with this one!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Argue with the experts. You handed yourself your own ass by trusting the government.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I fully believe that our "government" has the capability of and in fact does, lie to ourselves on a regular basis. I watched a very interesting documentary on data and how interpreting data can lead to the creation of something that does not exist simply based on how the data is gathered, analyzed, and applied. The end result can create a crisis or epidemic that does not actually exist.

I do not believe that our government flew four planes, three of which hit buildings and one of which was thwarted and crashed into the ground. I do not believe that the government knew that this was going to happen and planned to bring the buildings down, installed all of what would take to implode/explode the buildings and all be done without the hint of suspicion being cast prior to the event. I actually believe that our government is much more inept than that.

Of course, everyone is free to believe whatever they want, dream what3ever they want, imagine whatever they want but I believe that you have more to fear from Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, twitter, and so forth than you do from the government UNLESS you allow the government to access the data that these companies mine in amounts that are more than mind boggling than the quantity of pennies that make up or national debt.

So if it wasn't the government, then it must have been the trilateral commission, or the Illuminati, or the knights Templar, or the skull and bones, or the fill in the blank of the infamous organizations that are pulling all of the strings to control everything that is going on in the world.

Me, I am going to concern myself with trying to elect people to our government that will restore the Constitutional government that was established and will fight for the liberty and freedom of the individual. The freedom, liberty, and rights of the individual is more important to the collective than any of the bullshit that claims to be for the so called greater good.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Somebody is going to distort this and say that I think 9-11 was an inside job. I am saying nothing of the sort. I'm saying we don't know the whole truth. Even the 9-11 Commission complained that they did not have the access or funding to do a complete report. There are 28 pages of the report which have not been disclosed. Also, on one day, THREE steel framed skyscrapers fell into their own footprint at free fall speed, due to "fire". That has not happened before or since in history! Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth expose the flaws in the NIST report.

The government is lying. I want to what the truth is, and why they are lying about it.
Time for us to see the 28 missing pages from the 911 report...


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. There are 28 pages of the report that have not been released to the public. Some Congressmen have read the pages and want them released. It sounds like there is a strong Saudi connection to the attacks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well ... Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian.
Yeh, and Dick Cheney personally set the charges that blew the dykes after Katrina.

The "grassy knoll" crowd lives.