Showing My Youth?

I went to see Rammstein in NYC on Saturday for their first concert in the US in nearly 10 years.

Most amazing concert I will ever see in my life! Their music may not be accessible to many due to its heaviness as well as the language barrier. But these men can put on a performance. Flame throwers, fireworks, lasers, explosions, and 10 foot mechanical angel wings that shoot fire. Well worth the airfare, train tickets, and cost of a hotel room in lower Manhattan during Christmas.

The payoff in this song happens at 2:40.

I can't wipe this damn smile off of my face and am still so amped. For those that don't care, my apologies for sharing, but this ranks in the top 5 events of my life and I just can't come down from the high.
  • helen
  • 12-14-2010, 01:09 AM
i love the feeling you have after an amazing concert like this-- almost better than you know what!
Most definitely!