
stretchtexas's Avatar
so the penis pump is the butt of many jokes. what about the pussy pump? have any of you ladies ever used one or guys have you gone there with your SO?

i tried to embed the video but i don't guess i know what i'm doing. anyway, here is the link.

Never used one nor heard of it. I like the way it makes hers look all puffy
Seen it in a couple porns... Quite ammusing!
Hottassamelia's Avatar
So I have this gentleman who comes to see every so often with a suitcase in his hand...
Just full of fun things for us to entertain ourselves with..including
(but most defiantly not limited to) this legendary pump
he even went out and got a new one that "fits" me better
Although they look a little different than the one shown in this flick,
results seem to be the same!
Im hoping he chimes in here cause I have no idea what "kind" it is or "brand"
but very fun!
Its purpose is to draw all the blood up making you extra,superydooper sensitive.
(sorry for noting the oblivious ) and it does! Even MORE erotic however,is watching yourself in the mirror..WOW...and then seeing it..all "puffy" as MzStarz put it...
and while its on,you can touch anything that just so happens to be vibrating to it..OMFG....you should try it girls...2 thumbs up from me!
pyramider's Avatar
Seen it in a couple porns... Quite ammusing! Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
In a couple of old porns they used vacuum cleaners. Same concept without the clean carpets?
stretchtexas's Avatar
how long do the swollen lips last? have you ever experienced desensitization after doing it?
Hottassamelia's Avatar
how long do the swollen lips last? Originally Posted by stretchtexas
hummm..I wasnt really counting LOL
..the extreme puffiness probably only lasts maybe about 5 minutes but it stays nice and swollen for quite some time..

? have you ever experienced desensitization after doing it? Originally Posted by stretchtexas
I've only used it in short time increments so I haven't really experienced that..
too much vibration can have that effect on me so I assume that the pump for too long might also.