What do you think the over-under is on the number of days before the Obamazombies (at ECCIE) play the race card against Romney?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do you get paid a stipend for being a GOP shill or do you really believe in the undiluted hogwash they peddle?

You must get paid because I do not think anyone can be that blind!

. . . I just wish you were as mute as you are blind!

Hell, Romney is the "white boy of all white boys", so the Dems will just let it stand at that.
What do you think the over-under is on the number of days before the Obamazombies (at ECCIE) play the race card against Romney? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What they gonna call him? white bread
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Liberals are never content to let things stand. They always have to go one more step and kick a person after they're down. Yes, they will use the race card (if they haven't quietly done in locally already).
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Who is the person that is down?

Do you mean Mitt Romney?

. . . Are you already conceding defeat?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I will try again. Time after time we have seen liberals go too far in their attacks. Note the Paul Wellstone funeral. They could not help making fools of themselves by forbidding friends of Wellstone from attending because they were republicans. Al Gore couldn't help but jump up and down like some Baptist preacher.

If a republican is caught up in a scandal like Foley or Craig the democrats pile on unmercilessly. In fact they went so far that it looked like they were condemning being gay. Liberals are missing something that tells them were the line of decency is. That is what concerns me about Gringrich. He is displaying the same characteristics.

I never said that Romney was out or down. I was speaking of a hypothetical person in the metaphysical sense. (ooh, that sounded smart) I think that quick misstep is kind of what I was talking about. Instead of letting it lie, someone had to jump on it and put out a lie. They just couldn't help it.

By the way Huntsman is out as of an hour ago according to ABC. There go his daughthers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We're all hypothetical in the metaphysical sense.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-15-2012, 11:04 PM
We're all hypothetical in the metaphysical sense. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-15-2012, 11:08 PM
Okay, I will try again. Time after time we have seen liberals go too far in their attacks.

Liberals are missing something that tells them were the line of decency is. That is what concerns me about Gringrich. He is displaying the same characteristics.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you actually believe this shit?

How about anybody else, liberal or Conser.

Do you think your side is any better or more decent than the other?

If so , you are just as fuc'd in the head as JD on this matter.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What a pithy response. Completely in line with what we have come to expect from you WTF. Meaningless absurdity on your part.

We were not discussing internal flaws of conservatives but of liberals. If you want to contribute something then be my guest. Do make sure that it is worthy of a response and has some relationship with reality.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Of course they will play the race card. They already have.
Then it will be an attack on his family.
Then when all else fails the dead photos of OBL will "leak" out.

Anything but his bad economy and the unemployed.

You will not hear his backers chant "Four more years"
Liberals are never content to let things stand. They always have to go one more step and kick a person after they're down. Yes, they will use the race card (if they haven't quietly done in locally already). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Typical dumb ass remark from a dumb ass.Like either side is Lilly white. That is why I am a independent both sides are filled with thugs now.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 01-16-2012, 06:51 AM
What do you think the over-under is on the number of days before the Obamazombies (at ECCIE) play the race card against Romney? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
But your comment above has nothing to do with race, does it. Typical hypcritical comment--both extremes of the political war work hard to be more disgusting than the other.

Do you get paid a stipend for being a GOP shill or do you really believe in the undiluted hogwash they peddle?

You must get paid because I do not think anyone can be that blind!

. . . I just wish you were as mute as you are blind!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
the sad part is the (mostly) southern good ol' boy bigots on here don't have to be paid--they actually have convinced themselves they believe this crap.

Liberals are never content to let things stand. They always have to go one more step and kick a person after they're down. Yes, they will use the race card (if they haven't quietly done in locally already). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, liberals do this. So do conservatives. Can you say Karl Rove for starters--the most deceitful, lying political figure since Reconstruction. BOTH sides have replaced debating the facts with mud slinging, and each side is convinced they are pure, only seeing the mud the other side throws. If you don't think conservatives are every bit as disgusting in their personal attacks then you haven't been looking too hard. THEY have no qualms playing the race card against their own. A plague on both their houses.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Don't forget the whole Mormon thing.
That will be resurrected and drug around again pretty soon too.