Broaching the testing question

Is it Kosher to call a provider after the session and inquire about testing after the fact?

Not too long ago I saw a well reviewed provider. The cover broke during CFS. This is actually the first time I have ever had this happen. I found out when we changed positions. The fact the provider had covers and made no indication that BBFS was negotiable is a good sign.

From my own research, transmission risk of any social disorder so to speak should be low considering few workers are infected and probability of one incident is low. As one MD put providers who insist on covers are usually clean and want to stay that way. However, I have thought about asking her if she has been tested recently so that possibly I can put my mind at ease that chance is 0%.

Part of the problem is I have not had breakage or anything unprotected in a long time so they was need for testing in over 2 years. So I can't come back and say I have recent results. Is it acceptable to ask the provider after the fact even though I did not at the time nor do I have some results that could comfort her? I know the only thing I can do is test at 6 weeks and again at 6 months to be absolutely sure but it would provide some relief if the provider had recent tests that were negative.

I am usually careful in my own screening if there is any reason to believe a provider might provide BBFS I do not schedule. So I am pretty sure the provider always does CFS making the risk low. However, there is a little bit of nervousness anyway.

I am not sure if I will call or email to ask about testing but I am curious if others think it is acceptable to do.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
At this point it doesn't matterif the provider gets tested.

Ease your concerns and get tested as you stated.
tyboy1's Avatar
I am with CB. We all need to stay on top of testing.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Hmm interesting first post. Why are you worried about her. It's too late for that. Go get yourself tested and if you find something then let her know.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I have not had breakage or anything unprotected in a long time so they was need for testing in over 2 years. Originally Posted by igor-the-lab-rat
That's one helluva misguided comment...IF you have had more than one sex partner. All of us - male, female, or them who aren't sure - have a duty to all whom we schtupp to periodically check and be sure we're not giving them something to remember us by. Rubbers are necessary, but they are not some magical STD-proof guarantee.

Get tested. Periodically.
allofamber's Avatar
I cant speak on all providers but the ones I know personally, do get tested if they have an accident. Most get tested every 3-4 least the smart ones do....

Go get tested and if anything comes up make sure and tell her ASAP.
  • anita
  • 12-08-2010, 10:25 AM
At this point it doesn't matterif the provider gets tested.

Ease your concerns and get tested as you stated. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
My understanding is that providers rates of HIV are significant but fairly low maybe 10%. The chance of unprotected services transmitting from female to male is 1 in 2000 if the person is infected. That makes the overall probability 1 in 20,000. Note this is not zero if you flip a coin twice you can get 2 heads in a row. Periodic testing like once a year is a good idea.

The point is the chances of a car crash are probably higher but we don't lose sleep at night worrying if we are going to have a crash on the way to work. This should be treated the same way. You try to prevent and you test to make sure. I think many of us who are old enough to remember the discovery of HIV still have a lot of bad information running in our heads and our ideas of infection rates and probability of transmission are overblown. There are MF couples who slept together for years where one partner is found to be HIV and the other not.

Granted you do not know if someone is infected or not even if they took a test yesterday. The anti-bodies might not be present yet. However, in the US unless you are using a provider that is using needles the chances are pretty low. Your screening provider that insist on CFS is usually clean and wants to stay that way. I would guess the infection rate would be less than 1%. If you are picking up lot lizards for $20 I would not assume that though. Add that to the fact that garden variety services are the lower risk services and your chances get low.

Again get tested but try not to worry so much. The probabilities are fairly low especially if the provider is someone reviewed on these boards. The boards are here to help guys make sure they know when they pay what they will get and also alert people of providers who may be unsafe. It is not a 100% guarantee but it does lower the chances heavily.

Treat it like your car. Have yourself routinely inspected and tested and don't worry about if you will have a crash tomorrow. If you are going to freak at the slightest thing going wrong then perhaps you should really think about settling down with one partner you can trust. NB: I am not saying go out and have BBFS and don't worry about it. I am just saying know the risk and be confident you have minimized it just as you are when you step in your car everyday.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
My understanding is that providers rates of HIV are significant but fairly low maybe 10%. Originally Posted by Bannor
Where did you get that figure? A 10% prevalence is anything but low. Unless you're in Rwanda.
Sorry about that I got muddled in my writing. I wanted to use 10% as a made up example but somehow when I wrote significant things got muddled. My scientific mind defaulted to 10% level when I wrote significant. I should have been more clear. 10% significance is much different than 10%. .00001 may have 10% significance and it is a long way from 10%. 10% significance means there is a 10% chance it is actually 0. 1% is probably a lot closer to the fact and may still be high. In short that number was unintentionally pulled out of my ass and should not be taken with any seriousness.

The point still being know there is risk but don't overstate them to yourself. If people looked at probabilities of a car crash and they registered the same way many handle HIV probabilities we would never leave the house.
Are you F and kidding me....GET TESTED

2 years i could never imagine going that long without getting tested!!!

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You need to get tested now, and then in about 3-4 months. HIV can take up to 3 months or longer to show up on a blood test.

The figure per is for the insertive partner/vaginal sex 5/10,000 or 1/2,000. The risk for the receptive partner is always higher. When using these figures use a craps game. The chances of a 7 showing up are 1/6, however casinos are built on the 7 showing up sooner than 6 rolls of the dice.
Mojojo's Avatar
Im with CB just get tested bro.
dearhunter's Avatar
If you hobby, you should routinely test
macksback's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by anita