Hello to all...

atcav8or's Avatar
Hello all,
Just had a chance to pop in and say from the big sandbox. Hope everyone is well and staying safe, remember it's dangerous out there. See you all in about a year, if not sooner.

Oh and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year just in case I don't get a chace to pop in before hand.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you Airborne!
Stay safe out there and come home soon!
Hello to you, from a fellow "screamin eagle". Another war, though. Drafted, July 1967.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-08-2010, 04:26 PM
Stay safe and come home soon. All you boys and gals are my HEROS !!!
john353's Avatar
Stay safe and keep your head down.

Merry Christmas to you, and all the other servicemen and women over there. We're all proud of you!!!
macksback's Avatar
Be careful bro.
Keep your head up! You can't shoot the bastard shooting at you with your head down.

Make sure your guys get back safe, everything else is gravy to us NCOs.
If you don't stand behind our troops, stand in front of them.....
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Hey Bro

Thanks for stopping by and letting us know you are safe.

We are so proud of you and the others who protect us and allow us to do the things we do.

Be safe and our prayers will be with you to come home healthy.
DallasRain's Avatar
hi babe!!!!!!!!!!!! have fun!!!!!!!!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Much younger brother of a Vietnam-era Screaming Eagle here...

Thank you, sir, for checking in to let us know you're still vertical! Keep up the good name & the good work!
boardman's Avatar
Stay safe,
dearhunter's Avatar
What boardman said.