
Boogeyman's Avatar
Jury spoke. Not Guilty
Yup the Peruvian Jew walked.
Boogeyman's Avatar
Our Justice system isn't perfect, but if my life was on the line, no other place would I want to be put on trial.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Why hasn't the media paid attention to this other case?

Why hasn't the media paid attention to this other case?

http://www.policymic.com/articles/54...vyon-martin-is Originally Posted by LazurusLong
They already met their quota for the next 5 years with the GZ/TM case
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
chaos. control.

lets create some chaos to control....

the control is causing the chaos.
fletch's Avatar
al sharpton is a racist prick...................
dallasfan's Avatar
No riots yet?

Martin was a punk kid. Good to see jury was not swayed by bias judge. On side note, they must feed them good in that prison. Zim looks like a rolly-Polly
@dallasfan. just because you think trayvon was a "punk kid" does that mean he deserved to die unnecessarily? most teenage boys go through a "punk" stage. let me say that this isnt a black/white thing. this is about a wannabe cop who was trigger happy. doesnt matter the race of the kid. just wrong place wrong time for trayvon
Boltfan's Avatar
wrong head smashing too. Tough to go out when you were simply out for kicks looking to grind skull on pavement.
Hercules's Avatar
If Zimmerman was a "wannabe cop" then what about Trayvon being a stoner wannabe thug? Trayvon's own father had concerns about him picking so many fights. He finally picked a fight with a man that had a gun. Justice served.
LazurusLong's Avatar
come on french cannon.

Trigger happy?

Zimmerman was on the phone with 9-1-1 when he was asked for his own home address.

Zimmerman starts to give it by giving the numbers when he stops and said he was not comfortable saying it out loud because he did not know where the suspicious person was and didn't want to take the chance his address would be overheard.

Get that?

Zimmerman did NOT know where Martin was at that time.

And Zimmerman was on his way to the postal mail boxes to meet the police officers on the way to the complex.

IF people honestly think Zimmerman was the aggressor, why would he be afraid to give his address if he thought it might be overheard? IF he was looking for a confrontation, what better place than his own home and speaking his address out loud would have been a perfect way to lure someont to his house.

But no. Zimmerman was walking to meet the cops.

We'll never truly know what Martin was up to or if Martin did in fact feel unsafe, why didn't Martin call his dad or call 9-1-1 himself?

IF Martin had called 9-1-1 claiming he was being followed, this would not have ended with him dead.

IF Martin had simply continued to where his dad was staying, again, this would not have happened.

But no, Martin, in a truly thuggish way portrayed by the photos kept from the jury and trial, most likely felt confident enough to take a bag of skittles to a gun fight and paid for that arrogance with his life.

The prosecution tried to present this punk as some innocent youth when instead, reading his cell phone texts and seeing the photos you get a much different impression and one specifically jumps out and that is that Martin liked fighting and had been in numerous before that fateful night.

Someone who has never been in a fight, which as far as anyone knows Zimmerman had never been in one, is typically NEVER the aggressor even if armed.

But Martin, being very used to fighting and looking forward to the next one so as to make sure the other person bled more, wouldn't be afraid of confronting someone now would he?

Zimmerman had the flattened nose and gash in his head which should tell anyone with an ability to read that Zimmerman was most likely blind sided and knocked to the ground where Martin could use his height and fighting experience to try and beat the crap out of that "cracker" and I believe what Zimmerman said about Martin telling him that Zimmerman was going to die.

Check Martin's cell phone pics and texts.
Neither party was innocent or without partial blame. My dad told me a very young age, "why did you put yourself in that situation to allow that to happen to you?". It basically means to use caution and don't look for others to blame when bad stuff happens, but to focus on what you can control and what you can prevent. If you drive down a small two lane road, don't ride the yellow line, stay further towards the shoulder. If the guy coming down the road is ridding the line also and happens to cross over a little into your lane and hit you, the guy was a little wrong and you were a little right, but you're still 100% dead.

The older guy had good intentions to be out as a neighbourhood watch, but used piss poor judgement to to get into an altercation with the young adult. One should never have gotten out of his car and the other should not have been trying to beat Zimmerman to a pulp. A fight is mutual combat, an ass whopping starts when its no longer a contest. Trayvon could have stopped before he was on top of Zimmerman and continuing to beat him. I never heard that Trayvon was in fear of anything at that point, he was the aggressor on top of a victim. He should have walked away. Zimmerman should not have been near the kid in the first place with a little bit of common sense, he put himself in a bad situation that could have been prevented. Both people in that situation share blame and both people screwed up their families lives.

It was tragic, but let's move on. If they were of the same race, any race, this wouldn't have been national news. It's not worth trying to find ways to dividing ourselves. Let's thank God we are all Americans, and if you're reading this, probably lucky enough to be a Texan.
ManSlut's Avatar
Our Justice system isn't perfect, but if my life was on the line, no other place would I want to be put on trial. Originally Posted by Boogeyman
+1 to that statement Boogeyman...If you've spent as much time in other countries, especially Third World countries, like I have you would appreciate the Liberties we have here so much more. When I read stories on here of dudes hobbying in other countries away from home here I say to myself, "That is truly thinking with the Little Head !!"...There is no such thing as a fair trial in countries with martial law, political & civil corruption. You are guilty till proven innocent and if you or your family doesn't have enough money when the shakedown begins, much less ends, then you are fucked...In a lot of respects I actually feel the media in this country has made our justice system better due to the microscope things are placed under now. Before the media became so powerful there was a lot of injustice in this country with stories that never got told...I have felt very honored in my life when picked to actually serve on a jury trial twice in my life because of our legal system and it's desire for fair justice.

Why hasn't the media paid attention to this other case?

http://www.policymic.com/articles/54...vyon-martin-is Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I guess it's time now for that suck ass president Mr. PC Obama to hold a press conference and say, "If I had a son, he'd look like Travyon Martin, I mean Jordan Davis" and that'll get the ball rolling and help his approval ratings.
Neither party was innocent or without partial blame...

If they were of the same race, any race, this wouldn't have been national news. Originally Posted by dtc500