So what...

ImsoSincere's Avatar
I'm highly reviewed and bored with the regular shit but I tried to do something different. Let you read something tht I had if you didn't like it okay fine but trying to put it down or make me look bad is not going to work, my reviews speak for themselves and idgaf what anyone's opinion is about it. I'm a good provider and the one of the sweetest but I refuse to let the ppl on this site make me seem like I'm less then I if real is what u want I'm that all the way but I won't be posting no bs for entertainment anymore.
EROS725's Avatar
Unfortunately this board reminds me of high school sometimes. Once the sharks smell blood in the water, the feeding frenzy starts.
The best advice is to move on and leave it in the rear view mirror.
Duke of G's Avatar
Nowhere in your post did you put a link or indicate that you read it somewhere else.

You were trying to pass that post off as your own work, and got caught. Now you are mad because someone "tried to make you look bad?" You did that to yourself.

You are acting like every cheater who gets caught, trying to blame everyone else.

And trying to defend your action with "but I'm a good provider!" has zero to do with it.

You wanted to post a threAD and maybe get some calls. You didn't take the time or energy to post something original, and you copied something from the internet. You got caught, and now you are mad. Go ahead and blame the board, but frankly, if you want to share something, share it, don't pretend you created it. That's just shitty.
What does idgaf mean? Have to ask.
EROS725's Avatar
I don't give a f...
ImsoSincere's Avatar
Actually when it was read to me I didn't know where it had came had been on my friend who was mentioned. I didn't knw where it had oringinally came from but mad is something I didn't get Duke so please dnt put it out there as tht. I dnt care one way or another it didn't stop anything and it won't. Like I said b4 I dnt need to say much of shit because my reviews speak for themselves thank you, honey for your OPINION....and for sharing it with the class.
ImsoSincere's Avatar
Imso... I saw something just like this yesterday (towards MsMercedez) with the same type of issue but wasn't able to take the time to comment as my day became way too busy.

I realize that you (and she) were putting something out there as a storyline about eroticism/etc that was for fun, sensual, enjoyable and of course both posts (from each of you) generated a bit of hot interest from the guys, which is always good. That being said, the Literary Barney Fifes here on eccy are correct in their assertion that attribution for a story is good because without it, the term plagiarism does apply in a formal sense, but then again...this is eccy, not a term paper or business paper where such indications/sourcing are really required. It was meant for enjoyment only and I enjoyed the blowjob one alot.

Since you generate so much interest in the stories you both posted, that probably set off a couple of the elder queen bee eccy providers who felt a little threatened by the attention of hobbyists and perhaps that you might earn additional business from it, thus they went into attack and detract mode.

What I've noticed myself here on eccy is that there are several of those sockpuppet types hovering around which are generally a provider sometimes acting as a hobbyist (btw, I do get a giggle at some of their reviews of themselves), but also there are real hobbyists here too who either white knight for the queen bee's or have little else to do but be grammar police on a site that's really about fcuking (btw, I spelled that wrong on purpose). These are the same type of people that get upset by pretty much anything (unless they're doing it themselves).

You do realize, some providers post jokes and stories in the forums that are in reality another way to get out there (market themselves) and I see nothing wrong with that since they are limited in adverts (per day I think) by eccy. It's all meant to be fun, erotic, and whatever so either way, ignore the detracters, let them be angry, let the jealous provider (sockpuppets) play their eccy queen bee games and be uptight as that appears to be their way of coping with a lack of business or the potential for competition.

This place is supposed to be fun and a cool way to interact (for all). Don't let the little people here get to you. Have fun, play safe and have a great weekend (all of you!) friend and foe alike.

PS: Source for the content of this post: = me

pyramider's Avatar
You could always post some taint ... taint is beyond plagiarizing.
ManSlut's Avatar

The most understated quality Gents appreciate from providers is 'Integrity'. We deal with a lot of fraudulent issues in the pursuit of a 'good Hobby' experience - Fake stats, fake ages, fake or altered pics, misstated services and sometimes prices. That's why we don't like it when a provider represents something as being related to her and it's not...

From my point of view, and I commented on the thread you wrote (I did not feel it was harsh), there was no need to mislead people that it was 'your story', simply just say "Hey, what do you people here think of this story, I personally love being fucked in my ass and this is similar to what I felt in the beginning? Your thoughts."

The uniqueness of Eccie and the popularity of it compared to other Boards is it allows commentary from both sides, unlike just from the reviewers only type sites. In turn, when a provider makes a commentary mistake, instead of taking ownership of an error and admitting the mistake and here's the key, APOLOGIZING for the mistake, they continue to blow smoke up people's asses and trying to justify the error. This is also known as 'Digging your hole deeper'.

Providers write threADs daily, just don't compromise your integrity with your's and you'll be fine...I hope this helps and aids in your understanding how the Gents view things.

I'll be tapping your ass soon!!

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth
Great way to sum it up. Probably best to brush off the comments and move on most likely the thread would've disappeared in a couple days anyway.

Don't worry about it and move forward.


The most understated quality Gents appreciate from providers is 'Integrity'. We deal with a lot of fraudulent issues in the pursuit of a 'good Hobby' experience - Fake stats, fake ages, fake or altered pics, misstated services and sometimes prices. That's why we don't like it when a provider represents something as being related to her and it's not...

From my point of view, and I commented on the thread you wrote (I did not feel it was harsh), there was no need to mislead people that it was 'your story', simply just say "Hey, what do you people here think of this story, I personally love being fucked in my ass and this is similar to what I felt in the beginning? Your thoughts."

The uniqueness of Eccie and the popularity of it compared to other Boards is it allows commentary from both sides, unlike just from the reviewers only type sites. In turn, when a provider makes a commentary mistake, instead of taking ownership of an error and admitting the mistake and here's the key, APOLOGIZING for the mistake, they continue to blow smoke up people's asses and trying to justify the error. This is also known as 'Digging your hole deeper'.

Providers write threADs daily, just don't compromise your integrity with your's and you'll be fine...I hope this helps and aids in your understanding how the Gents view things.

I'll be tapping your ass soon!!

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth Originally Posted by ManSlut
Imsosincere contrary to what Manslut said most guys don't care either way. Good example look at the view count of your thread vs the count of actual membership. Just continue to rock the world of your clients and potential new ones and you will be just fine
ImsoSincere's Avatar
Thank you that dude
I agree totally. It is not a big deal ImsoSincere. One of the many things that I have learned on this board is that someone will be unhappy about something all the time. You can't make everyone happy.

Use this as a learning opportunity. Plagiarism is very important to some people, so in the future, always add where you got the information At the end of whatever you post.

Most can tell that you did not mean to, and understand. The others are being assholes.

Just keep your integrity and customer service high and everything will work out fine.

PS I have to come experience your greek session soon!

ImsoSincere's Avatar
You should....can't wait for you to try it out! Promise to show u a good time!!!