Where's Joe Biden's plan? The DNC has him in a gaffe-proof bubble.

Where the Democrats plan? Pelosi sat on a plan for days and finally pass one that the President approved. It was filled with pork.

What are the Democrats saying to do? I've asked the progressive board members and never got a specific response. What is the President doing that he should NOT be doing?

What about the travel 30 day travel ban to Europe? Is it racist enough? I still don't see bodies stacked up in the streets to justify this.
HoeHummer's Avatar

I hear Warren has a plan!

He’s a private citizen running for President, right? So what would happen if he proposed a plan?

Probably Trumps would tweet about it and call him names, while the CDC and other infectious Disease experts agree with it.

Or will yous abandon Trump?

What a fucking brilliant thread, Gnadsy!
Poor HoseHummer, still in his full blown DEMPANIC MELTDOWN mode!

Reading 35 minutes ago, JOE will be released from his gaffe proof bubble and speak on the Corona virus. His plan will be the suspension of Corona from Mexico for 30 days and to enjoy American made beer in the meantime.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It was only last week when the virus was considered a Democratic political Hoax and a evil scheme to oust the chosen one. Who will be at fault for the lack of preparation this week, China or Obama? ...most likely both, but the reality is the self proclaimed stable genius owns this fiasco.

FYI, Biden has scheduled airtime today to address the Pandemic.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It was only last week when the virus was considered a Democratic political Hoax and a evil scheme to oust the chosen one. Who will be at fault for the lack of preparation this week, China or Obama? ...most likely both, but the reality is the self proclaimed stable genius owns this fiasco.

FYI, Biden has scheduled airtime today to address the Pandemic. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
HoeHummer's Avatar
Liar! Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Can yous prove that, or are yous just drowning in your Wolfschmidt?

Trump’s handlers fully called it a hoax
Jaxson66's Avatar
Liar! Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
President Donald Trump said Friday that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.

The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued.

This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus.


Conservative pundits blame a grab bag of supposed villains amid the coronavirus outbreak

Choose your scapegoat: Democrats, the media, the Chinese government, the “deep state,” Bernie Sanders or even “identity politics.”
All received some share of the blame this week from conservative media figures for the growing public concern over the coronavirus, the communicable disease that has spread across the globe.

In fact, many conservative commentators have expressed less interest in the spread of the virus or efforts to combat it than in the story of the virus — a story they are convinced shows bias designed to harm President Trump.
Rush Limbaugh’s, Sean Hannity’s and Tucker Carlson’s commentaries mixed paranoia, erroneous information and sometimes dangerous conspiracy theories about the virus, which has killed about 2,800 people, mostly in China, where it was first detected.

Trump, who often engages in a feedback loop with allied media figures, has already picked up on one strand of the popular pundits’ thinking: that the news media and Democrats have hyped the threat posed by the outbreak.


The self proclaimed stable genius and his administration own this fiasco.
President Donald Trump said Friday that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a “hoax” to damage him and his administration.

The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued.

This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus.


Conservative pundits blame a grab bag of supposed villains amid the coronavirus outbreak

Choose your scapegoat: Democrats, the media, the Chinese government, the “deep state,” Bernie Sanders or even “identity politics.”
All received some share of the blame this week from conservative media figures for the growing public concern over the coronavirus, the communicable disease that has spread across the globe.

In fact, many conservative commentators have expressed less interest in the spread of the virus or efforts to combat it than in the story of the virus — a story they are convinced shows bias designed to harm President Trump.
Rush Limbaugh’s, Sean Hannity’s and Tucker Carlson’s commentaries mixed paranoia, erroneous information and sometimes dangerous conspiracy theories about the virus, which has killed about 2,800 people, mostly in China, where it was first detected.

Trump, who often engages in a feedback loop with allied media figures, has already picked up on one strand of the popular pundits’ thinking: that the news media and Democrats have hyped the threat posed by the outbreak.


The self proclaimed stable genius and his administration own this fiasco. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That's the liars interpretation of Trumps words all right. Trump never called the virus a hoax.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Biden has a plan?
Of course he does.
Vote to see it, oh, to late.

Seriously, this thing will be around forever, and it's to widely spread already to stop it.

What's sadly amusing is that basic hygiene practice works for almost everything and folks don't get that, and have to be reminded over and over again.
Just looked at the CDC website: 29 deaths in US. About a week ago it was 19.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Day late and dollar short Plugs Biden finally came out with his plan...


The only thing is, it's the same plan President Trump had weeks ago that the media pooh-poohed. When doddering old fool Biden says it they think it's the second coming.
hatecoldwater's Avatar
These idiots don’t have plans. They don’t come up with something at a moments notice. Think straight people. There is plan for every and any type of emergency that’s been prepared a long time ago. It’s our leaders job to activate those plans when the time has come. Moral of this story is activate the plan at the right time, not too late and don’t gut that department in charge of it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joeys still "lookin for his pudding"""
These idiots don’t have plans. They don’t come up with something at a moments notice. Think straight people. There is plan for every and any type of emergency that’s been prepared a long time ago. It’s our leaders job to activate those plans when the time has come. Moral of this story is activate the plan at the right time, not too late and don’t gut that department in charge of it. Originally Posted by hatecoldwater
So what plan or facet of the plan isn't being implemented.

If part of the plan is "close points of entry" will the media/Dims allow it? It's been proven the answer is "no", no matter how justified.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Closing the borders has further obliterated world markets ... despite Trump walking back part of his disastrous surprise announcement 36 hours ago AND dumping a trillion USD into the economy.

Your nation is strong enough to wage never ending war in the Middle East but can’t fight a fucking virus without stampeding the herd.

Yous are pathetic losers martching lockstep with that stupid fucker.

Yous deserve what yous get.