can biden get anything right?

im going to miss joe..
He is like the Missouri "TIGERS"
i just love the guy, what a hoot.

Not to worry deacon, or any other poster....he'll be around for another 4 years!!!!
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 03-16-2012, 06:54 PM
Especially if Santorem runs on the pledge to get rid of internet porn.

You can take away my freedom, just leave my porn alone!
dirty dog's Avatar
Especially if Santorem runs on the pledge to get rid of internet porn.

You can take away my freedom, just leave my porn alone! Originally Posted by KCJoe
If you arnt paying for it then its not yours KC, just a friendly reminder.
Especially if Santorem runs on the pledge to get rid of internet porn.

You can take away my freedom, just leave my porn alone! Originally Posted by KCJoe
I'm sure the GOP will not let this clown be their candidate

But based on the amount of support this Clown has, is simply another
argument why democracy is not all that great
santorum wont be in it..obama is in deep trouble..i didnt think romney could beat obama a month ago but i do now..gas prices and the economy will be obamas demise if its his fault or not. 41 approval rating aint going to get a second term..i will miss biden though.
Not to worry deacon, or any other poster....he'll be around for another 4 years!!!! Originally Posted by vkmaster
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 03-17-2012, 09:33 AM
Word is Sarah Palin is hoping for a brokered convention so she can swope in and take the nomination. All the glory with none of the work. That would be interesting.
I'm sure the GOP will not let this clown be their candidate

But based on the amount of support this Clown has, is simply another
argument why democracy is not all that great Originally Posted by vkmaster
.............just wondering what you would rather have?
Word is Sarah Palin is hoping for a brokered convention so she can swope in and take the nomination. All the glory with none of the work. That would be interesting. Originally Posted by KCJoe
..........need anymore tinfoil?
palin has as much chance of taking the nomination as silly girl does.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Putting aside your unreasonable, rabid hatred of Sarah Palin lets consider; the last VP candidate, a former governor, a former mayor, someone who creates excitement everywhere she appears, some who can command millions to help her, someone who has a message and a belief system familiar to everyone (whether they love her or have an unreasonable, rabid hatred of her). Naw, she doesn't stand a chance if the election were brokered.
What is wrong with Silly Girl going into politics. Why are you hatin on Silly Girl?