CuteOldGuy's Avatar
People here like to use "conspiracy theorist" as an epithet. However, it turns out some conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.

This article details five of them.

1. Tuskegee syphilis experiment
2. Operation Northwoods (For those of you who think the government would never use violence against our own people to make a political point.)
3. Nayirah Testimony
4. Operation Paperclip
5. MK-Ultra

There are more.

For details, click here: http://truththeory.com/2013/02/15/5-...ut-to-be-true/

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember Rosewood, Florida?

Remember when the US government bombed Greenwood, Oklahoma?

Anyone care to talk about Wounded Knee?

Anyone remember Athens, Tennessee?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-25-2013, 04:22 AM
A little defensive about being called a conspiracy nut, are ya?
Thank you Jerry Fletcher. It was great hearing from you again!
From http://legal-dictionary.thefreedicti...com/conspiracy

An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors

So the Boston Marathon Bombing is already a conspiracy by the legal definition.

The media and the left are just trying to shamefully use this word to deride those who are claiming this is the work of Muslim Terrorists. Shameful and intellectually dishonest.
Well although Operation Northwoods was in place, it wasn't approved, so it was never executed. That was because we had a real President at that time.
From http://legal-dictionary.thefreedicti...com/conspiracy

An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors

So the Boston Marathon Bombing is already a conspiracy by the legal definition.

The media and the left are just trying to shamefully use this word to deride those who are claiming this is the work of Muslim Terrorists. Shameful and intellectually dishonest. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Conspiracy theory: A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.

Try to keep up.
  • 04-25-2013, 04:25 PM
Is what have been done to johnny a conspiracy or fact?
People here like to use "conspiracy theorist" as an epithet. However, it turns out some conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.

This article details five of them.

1. Tuskegee syphilis experiment
2. Operation Northwoods (For those of you who think the government would never use violence against our own people to make a political point.)
3. Nayirah Testimony
4. Operation Paperclip
5. MK-Ultra

There are more. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, there aren't more. Or at least you haven't offered one yet. This is TRUE desperation.

Not a SINGLE one of those things is a "conspiracy theory", which Timpage gave a nice concise definition of: "A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event."

The article asks vague questions and calls them "theories". Questions like "What if I tell you that the doctors did not treat us, just wait until we dies to cut our bodies?", as if that is somehow proof of an overarching conspiracy that controls unexplained events or that runs contrary to the "official" story.

You have somehow confused "bad things the government has done" with a conspiracy theory. We KNOW the government does bad things. They are people and people are both bad and incompetent, quite often together.

But "conspiracy theories" go far beyond that. They put forth the idea that the government or some other secret powerful cabal is behind EVERY bad thing (or nearly every bad thing) that happens. That is an idiotic idea and your thread does nothing but try to give a fig leaf of cover to conspiracy theories.

There was nothing "unexplained" about the Tuskegee experiment and there was no "official story" in the press that was a coverup for the real thing. I don't even know if the press reported it at the time. It wasn't even discovered until AFTER the fact.

The patients were neglected and died of syphilis. The US doctors lied to them about their condition. The people who did it kept what they were doing secret. That is an actual conspiracy to do something wrong. But there was no reporting of it at the time and there was no "official story" offered by the government - like they were dying of some "new type of cancer". The government project was revealed AFTER the fact.

The German scientists? Really? Where is the conspiracy theory there? Are you telling me that no one knew we had German scientists working for us after the war? At a time when Werner von Braun's name was in the newspapers?

This one is REALLY lazy. Having the Germans work for us is NOT EVEN A BAD THING. That was a GOOD thing. Can conspiracy theories even involve good things? Doesn't that violate the rules of conspiracy theories? Just what was the alternative? Let them work for the Russians? How is THAT a good thing?

So, this "German scientist" thing was PUBLICLY KNOWN and was a GOOD THING. This is a conspiracy theory HOW?

Operation Northwoods NEVER happened. It was a bunch of bad ideas on paper and it never got off the ground. Lots of bad things are written down (just look at your posts). That doesn't make them conspiracy theories, because they are not offered as the real "hidden" explanation for something that actually DID happen.

MK Ultra? A secret research project to see if the human mind could be controlled by drugs and subliminal messages? OK, it was conducted in secret. But LOTS of projects are kept secret and for good legitimate reasons. You don't want the "bad" guys to get their hands on. But "secret" is NOT synonymous with "conspiracy" as you and this article apparently believe. So, where is the conspiracy theory? What is the real life BAD event that had an "official" explanation that was a cover up for MK Ultra?

"Nayirah Testimony" - So a Kuwaiti ambassadors daughter lied to try to persuade the American public to support the Gulf War. In short, who cares? The question asked was "What
if I tell you that it is just about oil?" Her lies don't contradict that. I think everyone knew the Kuwait invasion was about oil. It was IN ALL THE PAPERS. And you know what, most people did not care. A large part of the population and most of government did not want any more of the world's oil supplies falling into the hands of one dictator. So we were willing to go to war to keep the oil supplies in different hands - or at least out of Saddam's hands. You make it sound like it was a bad thing.

Conspiracy theory: A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.

Try to keep up. Originally Posted by timpage
I won't try. Your stupidity far exceeds mine. The whole BMBing is about trying to not pin the blame on Islamic terrorists. When trying to solve a crime that more than one person is involved a conspiracy theory arises. That it is easily dispelled, appears valid, or not very likely is another issue. The BMB is already a conspiracy, now its just a matter of determining how extensive that conspiracy is.

But for the President and the Dims, it MAY not be beneficial to determine the whole truth. Like Benghazi.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-25-2013, 05:55 PM
This is TRUE desperation.

Not a SINGLE one of those things is a "conspiracy theory", which Timpage gave a nice concise definition of: "A belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event."

The article asks vague questions like "What if I tell you that the doctors did not treat us, just wait until we dies to cut our bodies?", as if that is somehow proof of an overarching conspiracy that controls unexplained events or that runs contrary to the "official" story.

You have somehow confused "bad things the government has done" with a conspiracy theory.

We KNOW the government does bad things. They are people and people are both bad and incompetent, quite often together.

But "conspiracy theories" go far beyond that. The put forth the idea that the government or some other secret powerful cabal is behind EVERY bad thing that happens. That is an idiotic idea and your thread does nothing but try to give a fig leaf of cover to conspiracy theories.

There was nothing "unexplained" about the Tuskegee experiment and there was no "official story" in the press that was a coverup for the real thing. I don't even know if the press reported it at the time. It wasn't even discovered until AFTER the fact.

The patients were neglected and died of syphilis. The US doctors lied to them about their condition. The people who did it kept what they were doing secret. That is an actual conspiracy to do something wrong. But there was no reporting of it at the time and there was no "official story" offered by the government - like they were dying of some "new type of cancer". The government project was revealed AFTER the fact.

The German scientists? Really? Where is the conspiracy theory there? Are you telling me that no one new we had German scientists working for us after the war? At a time where Werner von Braun's name was in the paper?

This one is REALLY lazy. Having the Germans work for us is NOT even a bad thing. That was a GOOD thing. Can conspiracy theories even involve good things? Doesn't that violate the rules of conspiracy theories?

Just what was the alternative? Let them work for the Russians?

So this one was PUBLICLY KNOWN and was a GOOD THING. This is a conspiracy theory HOW?

Operation Northwoods NEVER happened. It was a bunch of bad ideas on paper and it never got off the ground. Lots of bad things are written down (just look at your posts). That doesn't make them conspiracy theories, because they are not offered as the real "hidden" explanation for something that actually DID happen.

MK Ultra? A secret research project to see if the human mind could be controlled by drugs and subliminal messages?

OK, it's secret. But LOTS of projects are kept secret and for good legitimate reasons. You don't want the "bad" guys to get their hands on. But "secret" is NOT synonymous with "conspiracy" as you and this article apparently believe.

So, where is the conspiracy theory? What is the real life event that had an "official" explanation that was a cover up for MK Ultra? Originally Posted by ExNYer

JCM800's Avatar
The BMB is already a conspiracy, now its just a matter of determining how extensive that conspiracy is. Originally Posted by gnadfly
is the BMB now a conspiracy because Glenn Beck said it is? ...or is it just too hard to believe that two crazyfucks just wanted to harm/kill as many Americans as they could just to make a name for themselves or for jihad or whatever the fuck they were into.

COG - I don't remember your response to my poll question about conspiracy theorists.

What kind of adult diapers do you wear?
I won't try. Your stupidity far exceeds mine. The whole BMBing is about trying to not pin the blame on Islamic terrorists. When trying to solve a crime that more than one person is involved a conspiracy theory arises. That it is easily dispelled, appears valid, or not very likely is another issue. The BMB is already a conspiracy, now its just a matter of determining how extensive that conspiracy is.

But for the President and the Dims, it MAY not be beneficial to determine the whole truth. Like Benghazi. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Uhhh. Ok. I guess the investigation of the bombing will go where it will go. Is it a legal conspiracy? Yes, I agree, two perps apparently coordinated on the crime. Does that have shit to do with the myriad conspiracy theories posted up here on the board? No.

What is it that you don't understand about this?
[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1052741966]People here like to use "conspiracy theorist" as an epithet. However, it turns out some conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.

This article details five of them.

1. Tuskegee syphilis experiment
2. Operation Northwoods (For those of you who think the government would never use violence against our own people to make a political point.)
3. Nayirah Testimony
4. Operation Paperclip
5. MK-Ultra

There are more.

For details, click here: http://truththeory.com/2013/02/15/5-...ut-to-be-true/


I guess I admire exNyer for debunking your bullshit specifically. But, truly isn't that exactly what you want and desire? Attention and effort expended to disprove your absurd posts because you gain some bizarre personal satisfaction as a result of the ridiculous shit you post up resulting in some attention?

You are fucking bizarre COG.