Greg Hicks, who took over as Charge d'Affairs in Libya after the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, both knew immediately that it was an attack, not a protest.

Hicks said he was stunned by what UN Ambassador Susan Rice claimed on five different news shows on Sep. 16. When she appeared on Face the Nation, she followed an interview with the President of Libya who claimed he had "no doubt" it was a terror attack. Moments later, Amb. Rice contradicted him and claimed a spontaneous protest was more likely.

Acting Ambassador Hicks watched the Sunday shows and said he found this contradiction shocking. "The net impact of what has transpired is the spokesperson of the most powerful country in the world has basically said that the President of Libya is either a liar or doesn't know what he's talking about," he accused. Hicks added, "My jaw hit the floor as I watched this...I've never been as embarrassed in my life, in my career as on that day."

According to Hicks, no one from the State Department contacted him about what Amb. Rice would be saying in advance. The next morning he called Beth Jones, Acting Assistant Secretary for Near East Affaris, and asked her why Amb. Rice had made the statements she had. Jones responded, "I don't know."
Fucking liar should be impeached; Obama was in the middle of his re-election campaign, telling American voters that Al Qaeda was "on the run", so TeamObama concocted the You Tube video lie; they didn't want it known that Benghazi was a terrorist attack !

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
How has this administration not been taken to task by this? This is a disgrace.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 09:03 AM
How has this administration not been taken to task by this? This is a disgrace. Originally Posted by CrimsonValkyrie
Because nobody cares....just like you didn't care when Bush took us to War in Iraq and we lost 4k plus soldiers.

What Americans care about are things like the price of gas and jobs and if lil Timmy has school clothes.

They do not give a shit about overseas crap as a whole. Waco was way worse than this and Clinton got reelected.

So one more time....Nobody gives a shit. Well a few do but they are politically
Because nobody cares....just like you didn't care when Bush took us to War in Iraq and we lost 4k plus soldiers.

What Americans care about are things like the price of gas and jobs and if lil Timmy has school clothes.

They do not give a shit about overseas crap as a whole. Waco was way worse than this and Clinton got reelected.

So one more time....Nobody gives a shit. Well a few do but they are politically
motivated. Originally Posted by WTF
You know what? I agree.

This says a lot about us as a society.
@ WTF; I have to disagree, the media purposely ignored this story for as long as they could, now it gets some coverage but not much on the editorial/opinion commentary pages................

If the NYTs was covering this story; it would get bigger coverage by the other medias outlets....the public would become disgusted quickly!

It is part of liberal media protecting an administration they want to succeed.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 09:16 AM
You know what? I agree.

This says a lot about us as a society. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I wish it we not true but it is, that is the sad reality.

I had to read and watch the Pat Tillman Story for reality to just hit me upside the head. Life isn't some God Damn John Wayne movie. In fact Wayne did not serve when he had the chance.
Because nobody cares....just like you didn't care when Bush took us to War in Iraq and we lost 4k plus soldiers.

What Americans care about are things like the price of gas and jobs and if lil Timmy has school clothes.

They do not give a shit about overseas crap as a whole. Waco was way worse than this and Clinton got reelected.

So one more time....Nobody gives a shit. Well a few do but they are politically
motivated. Originally Posted by WTF
If this is what Americans want, how the hell is Obama still President then.
LovingKayla's Avatar
49% don't care... as long as they can keep the teet in their mouth.

Just kidding... sort of.

Unfortunately I too have to agree with WTF. The ones that do care and speak out are beat down down by the obamwhores that only care about the fact we weren't as upset about Bush and the horrors he brought down. The problem with that is.... they are partly right. I had no idea what the patriot act would turn into and I wish like hell I'd of listened to the left when they were screaming about it. It was really too bad I was to blind by distaste and distrust for the left, that I ignored them. It's even sadder to see they are just as guilty as we were. We are saying REPEATEDLY they were right and we should have listened. Instead of us clasping hands and forgiving like AMERICAN'S should... they throw rocks and sand and call names. They should join with the ones on the right that are speaking truth, but NO... it's the right and they can't see past their distaste, just like I couldn't. It's a damn shame they can't be the better people..... but hey that gives us the chance to step up and do what's right. Bush Sr. fucked us with Agenda 21 and Bush Jr fucked us with everything else. The folks speaking out now that are telling the truth are called stupid red necks (sometimes that's true) or they are called conspiracy theorist (even with bold faced proof), they are dismissed as the fringe.

Do any of you on the left agree with that at all? Is it just more fun to continue to throw your shit at each other like monkeys? Oh wait, is that racist? Oh wait I forgot.. I DON'T CARE. Ya I'm just feeling froggy this morning.
Funny, my jaw didn't move an inch when I found out that the grande dame of the left and her lying sack-o-shit boss lied to the country. Go figure...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 09:47 AM
What you say is partly true...people turn a blind eye to their side doing stupid shit. That is from both sides. If the GOP gets back in power, the left will want you to join up and you will say ''fuc off, remember Obama''. That is how it works.

Whirly comes on here slamming Obama for signing some stock reporting BS and was going to give Ted Cruz a pass.

What you do not understand is that it is the system that is rotten. Obama is a product of the system, Bush was a product of the system. If it weren'r Obama/Bush, it would be Cruz/Rubio, they'll be no different. Anybody you support will fall right in line, if not the system spits them out like they did Jimmy Carter.

You are no different than the folks you bitch about, you'd have us fighting for Israel, you hate Muslims because they react to bombings in their country with acts of terror in this country. How fucking crazy is that? My advice is don't worry about this political shit to much, do what is best for you according to some Invisible Hand crap, that will be what is best for all! ain't that right COG!

Our country would be a whole lot better off if we left the Middle East to fend for it self. Let the Euro's figure that shit out. We have plenty of oil now to say fuc off. That is what I would do were I King.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
@ WTF; I have to disagree, the media purposely ignored this story for as long as they could, now it gets some coverage but not much on the editorial/opinion commentary pages................

If the NYTs was covering this story; it would get bigger coverage by the other medias outlets....the public would become disgusted quickly!

It is part of liberal media protecting an administration they want to succeed..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It gets worse:

CBS News is reporting.........."U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks"..............remember , the WH talking points were that no one was told to "stand down" while Benghazi was we find out otherwise ?

Obama should be impeached for what happened in Benghazi....................
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 12:35 PM
Well then, have the house impeach him. How much you wanna bet it ain't gonna happen?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 12:40 PM
@ WTF; I have to disagree, the media purposely ignored this story for as long as they could, now it gets some coverage but not much on the editorial/opinion commentary pages................

If the NYTs was covering this story; it would get bigger coverage by the other medias outlets....the public would become disgusted quickly!

It is part of liberal media protecting an administration they want to succeed..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The liberal media plays to their revenue source, just like the right wing media ( Fox, talk radio)
Plays up to their audience. Nobody will care, just watch and see ...ib fact all you have to do is remember your reaction to the WMD lie.