There are 36 million Millionaires in the world and counting! Ladies, you can become one if you marry one!

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There's an old joke that talks about the difference between being "Rich" and being "Wealthy".

Lebron James is "Rich" but the guy that signs his paycheck is "Wealthy".
All Yucks aside, whats the real difference?

At a certain point, your money starts to work for you instead of the other way around. It doesn't matter how many zeros you have behind that first #, if you can quit your job and stay home and do nothing but manage your money, then your wealthy. There are people who bring home less than $100,000 per year, but they're wealthy because thats the dividends or interests, or growth from their investments, I would consider them wealthy (but not rich). There are millionaires who live paycheck to paycheck. They're rich. but not wealthy.