Taiwanese Mcdonald's Worker..

Chung Tran's Avatar

is she is trying to unbutton her blouse to show us her Big Macs?

can I substitute a cutie for the french fries, Cutie?

I'd like to go down on her Egg Mcmuffin..

may I squirt a little mayonnaise between those buns?
JohnnyTran's Avatar
I always avoid going to McD's when in Taiwan, but this looks like a good enough reason for me to return

Roger.Smith's Avatar
McDonald’s restaurants in Taiwan are known for employing attractive women to work in their stores, and often encourage them to dress up, according to Rocket News.
*Sighs*. In America, that's a sexual harassment lawsuit and considered sexist. Breastaurants can get away with it, but McDonald's would get crucified in the media if they tried that in their restaurants here.
Chung Tran's Avatar
that doesn't, ahem, fly in Vietnam either..


but for different reasons.. not for sexism, but because the Ministry of Culture is offended by open displays of liberation of any kind..
Boltfan's Avatar
I am flying there tonight. Fuck me
  • DSK
  • 08-24-2015, 09:50 PM
Just think how much she could charge at an AMP? Wait - just 200 dollar? No wonder they are all over thirty!