Another reason to read The Onion . . . Pros and Cons of Prostitution


Creates additional tax revenue to be withheld from women’s health care
Bold new frontier of Yelp reviews
Politicians caught soliciting prostitutes can boast about supporting small businesses
Would free up law enforcement agents to finally win that war on drugs
Saves us from any chance of a modern reimagining of Risky Business
Probably a little easier than convincing everyone to stop


Sex is wrong
One more group we’re forced to acknowledge as human beings
Commodifies women without the benefit of a two-year contract from Maybelline
With legalization of marijuana and gay marriage, news outlets can’t afford to lose another source of endless debate
Clients will still be terrible people
If we let consenting adults have sex, who knows what else they’ll want permission to do?
rexdutchman's Avatar
I agree, people are not going to stop having sex. Put the police to addressing real crime (there's a idea)