Anyone watch HBO True Detective?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I wanted to watch it because of the actors and it's on my watch list.

How have you enjoyed the show? Is it as good as they say in the reviews?

I never get to the sandbox and I do so often like the topics here!
It's pretty great, especially if you're a fan of either of the leads. It almost feels like the mystery is playing second fiddle to a really well executed character piece.

And yes, Daddario finally revealed the assets that were no doubt crucial to her recent success. They're nice.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I've watched both episodes twice and I really like the show so far.
Matthew Mcconaughey's character is very dark, very smart and very tortured.
And yes I was pleasantly surprised by the assets displayed by Alexandra in episode 2.
I hope to see more of her. Is that pair real or manmade?
Also the full bush was a nice touch.
Can't wait till the nxt episode.
Omg i was thinking the same thing. She was hot!
This is the only other show where I watch every episode at least twice. Fantastic writing and superb execution. Reading pre reviews, I was worried it might be too dark, but so far better than I expected.
I think the show is great and it's worth watching just to see Alexandra's tits. They look like the ones in the old Playboy mags or Russ Meyer movies.
aubie79's Avatar
+1 on just about every comment from above. I was watching episode 2 with my wife and even she thought those tits were amazing. Damn good show...kudos to HBO again.
I have seen both episodes twice,really enjoy it. Alexandra is built like the proverbial brick house!!
The dialogue between is the two main characters is phenomenal.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Watched the two episodes on Friday evening. Just great!

The dialogue WAS just fantastic.
I'm watching episode 3 now. Perfectly represented oppositional doctrines.
Super Sonic's Avatar
Yeah, I've got it on my DVR record list. I get a little lost when McConaughey's character waxes philosophical. That dude is WAY out there! Woody's character is more like the stereotypical cop with the hard drinking and womanizing. The two definitely are the odd couple and do NOT get along. I don't see how they could possibly work together but maybe that's the hook of the series. However, I wish it was more about the serial killer and less about the internal demons of the cops.
Frankly it is Rust's philosophical musings / rants that keeps this series interesting for me. A different view of life expressed so elegantly and delivered powerfully. Another interesting fact is there is no contrived chemistry between 2 wildly different individuals like in so many other buddy detective shows. Just love the dialogue.
great show. going to get better now that we have a look at the wacko they are tracking. Looks like he just got back from a sex toy convention.