New Hotel on Wolf RD

OK I am going to assume LEO is reading these no names........I recently had two dates in that brand new hotel near a bank recently off of exit 4.........first provider total professional and everything went well......great time. Next provider, new girl on STG directs me to the hotel and room, I get on the hotel and without a room key elevator does not move.......I get spooked and walk out and explain the issue........she says take the stairs.......fuck you NOT talking the back stairs up an hotel back stairwell. I tell her to come out and get me and walk me back in......she says either she was LEO......or lazy.......either way I left.

BLUF........providers......don t use the new hotel unless you are smart and can think on your feet like provider one did........she knew the issue with the elevators and adjusted her comms too deal with it and it went awesome!! STG providers..........this hotel is NOT for you. sorry to hurt your feelings.........but just giving you the heads up.