The Corrupt FBI

berryberry's Avatar
FBI agents assigned to raid the homes of hundreds of January 6th protesters are not only depriving Americans of basic civil rights but sometimes they’re stealing money and property from the citizens they’re raiding.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
One more American institution that’s lost all credibility. Law enforcement, military, medical, judicial, on and on…
DNinja69's Avatar
Ah that must be the reason the FBI could not uncover any actual evidence of the 2020 election being 'stolen' they were too busy wrangling those right-wing rioters...err protesters and snatching their cash.

Any word on whether that Houston FBI agent is a Democrat or Republican?

The agent was indicted though which indicates a pursuit of justice no?
berryberry's Avatar
One more American institution that’s lost all credibility. Law enforcement, military, medical, judicial, on and on… Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed. Remember this is the same corrupt FBI that murdered a harmless disabled man in cold blood Utah back in August and refused to release any body cam video
DNinja69's Avatar
The dead dumbass from Utah wrote his own ending.

Hilarious take on the OP as the story is literally about an FBI agent being held accountable for misconduct.

I thought all powerful Biden had the legal system under his thumb so maybe give him some credit on this one?
berryberry's Avatar
The dead dumbass from Utah wrote his own ending.

Hilarious take on the OP as the story is literally about an FBI agent being held accountable for misconduct.
Originally Posted by DNinja69
The harmless disabled elderly man from Utah was flat out murdered by the FBI. And they covered it up. They have refused to release the body cam footage. Ask yourself why?

The unlucky slob in the OP happened to be one of the numerous corrupt FBI agents who was actually busted. Busting one out of many corrupt FBI agents is no accomplishment. The whole agency needs an enema - everyone fired and start over
DNinja69's Avatar
Utah was a dumbass who dies by cop he got his wsih hope he found happiness on the other side.

The FBI is full of Republicans who do just as much dirty shit as their Democrat co-workers they like most law enforcement need more oversight and accountability. Nobody in the White House can be trusted to monitor the misconduct to any acceptable degree
bambino's Avatar
Ah that must be the reason the FBI could not uncover any actual evidence of the 2020 election being 'stolen' they were too busy wrangling those right-wing rioters...err protesters and snatching their cash.

Any word on whether that Houston FBI agent is a Democrat or Republican?

The agent was indicted though which indicates a pursuit of justice no? Originally Posted by DNinja69
I bet you think J Edgar Hoover was a great guy!!!! Not corrupt at all!!!! :mf_microwave :
winn dixie's Avatar
Now one agent personifies an entire agency that protects our citizens?
Good grief
bambino's Avatar
Now one agent personifies an entire agency that protects our citizens?
Good grief Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well, your “fairness” thread was bullshit right? Here you are, continually posting in political threads in a local forum which isn’t YOUR local forum. But hey, the FBI is MORE corrupt today than Hoovers reign. Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzock, Page and others were all fired in disgrace. And should be in jail.
eyecu2's Avatar
We will see if the FBI is the GOP Boogeyman if Trump gets elected.

Trump won't do anything but get rid of Wray. And it will be strictly because of a political move - and everybody else will stay in place. Because they will have served to be the bubba yaga that the GOP needs in order to have a scapegoat.

Everybody not in the GOP cult knows that the FBI is simply not a lap dog, and 99.99% of the people that serve on the FBI are outstanding Americans.

Sadly for them, that situation will never happen since Trump won't see 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ever again cept from picture on a post card
bambino's Avatar
We will see if the FBI is the GOP Boogeyman if Trump gets elected.

Trump won't do anything but get rid of Wray. And it will be strictly because of a political move - and everybody else will stay in place. Because they will have served to be the bubba yaga that the GOP needs in order to have a scapegoat.

Everybody not in the GOP cult knows that the FBI is simply not a lap dog, and 99.99% of the people that serve on the FBI are outstanding Americans.

Sadly for them, that situation will never happen since Trump won't see 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ever again cept from picture on a post card Originally Posted by eyecu2
How do you know this? Give us receipts to back up your opinions. Otherwise, it’s just twaddle.
DNinja69's Avatar
How do you know this? Give us receipts to back up your opinions. Otherwise, it’s just twaddle. Originally Posted by bambino
Asking for receipts in here

The debate on how dysfunctional the FBI is would be more interesting if it was not mostly angst at the administration with the underlying desire that the agency mirror the GOP agenda than actually following the job description.

As for corruption its a government agency with broad powers and a $10+ billion budget. What other options are there given that reality?
berryberry's Avatar
Now one agent personifies an entire agency that protects our citizens?
Good grief Originally Posted by winn dixie
This story is just one example of many

I shared another one - where multiple corrupt FBI agents murdered a harmless disabled elderly man from Utah and they covered it up.
You notice the FBI refused to release the body cam footage. Because they murdered the man in cold blood. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows that

Then of course as Bam point out, we all know these are corrupt FBI employees or former disgraced employees - Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzock, Page and others

Again, the whole agency needs an enema - everyone should be fired and start over
winn dixie's Avatar
Disgusting to use a few bad seeds for a biased opinion.
The fbi employs thousands. They meet and exceed extreme background moral and competency checks. They handle cases that gives normal cops ptsd. They protect our nation from threats foreign and or domestic. And do so quietly with zero accolades. They're heroes sir. I whole heartedly disagree with the erroneous position that the entire fbi is corrupt. 99.9 percent do amazing work. With the military they protect us.