Trump.... #winning

DNinja69's Avatar

This article was published more than 6 months ago but remains true today. While Trump maintains a significant lead on the Republican side that speaks more to the ragtag bunch who stepped up to run.

If any of them had shown poll numbers large enough to challenge Trump and inspire him to engage in the debates we may have seen some folks jump ship and line up behind someone like Nikki Haley who has shown herself to be a force within the party and well worth consideration.

But as it stands Biden is no closer to retirement than he was in 2020 when 7 million Americans check his name rather than opt for 4 more years of Trump.

I did not vote for Biden and would grade the current administration an F overall so the list of acceptable candidates is quickly becoming 'just anyone else... please' and I am deeply disappointed to see a 'dead heat' this close to the election
It's truly pathetic that it's a dead heat. Tens of millions of Americans are willing to destroy American democracy just so they can "own the libs".

Also, no idea how anyone can give Biden an F, when looking at things objectively. I'm not saying he's earned an A or anything, but if Biden gets an F, wtf does trump get? G- ?
DNinja69's Avatar
Biden recently blamed corporate greed and grocery store price gouging for the continued inflation that is making life difficult for most working Americans. Not wholly untrue but retailers are struggling to pay decent wages AND keep prices low I feel not much has been done to ease that pain if anything policy decisions or lack of are making it worse

He appointed his VP as an immigration czar who has done nothing of substance to address the issues of illegals infiltrating our nation and not long ago publicly stated he does not have the legal tools needed to address the situation.

He continues to look for ways to pour hundred$ of billion$ into wiping away student loan debt while doing very little to reduce the costs of higher education.

We are promised some reduction in medication rates for seniors... after 4 years we are told its coming. Stay tuned. We continue to see seniors monthly checks falling below poverty level income with no plans outside 'tax the rich' to fund programs or any indication of how to cut costs and make the process more efficient.

These are just a few domestic issues that lead me to grade the current administration an F and when I factor in how lost our President looks most of the time the idea of 4 more years is a damned scary thought
eyecu2's Avatar
Perhaps these items are not simply presidential executive order items. Some might be policy but the majority are legislative by nature. You can look directly at both the house and Senate and see how little they have fucking done. Many laws could have been drafted better - ended in a better result.

Truthfully inflation is coming down, gas prices too
Chips act, 1st infrastructure bill on almost forever, and COVID abating. Stock market at all time highs, unemployment numbers looking good and wages up ticking. No perfect by far but pretty good. Issues outstanding..immigration and housing costs sky high.

I'm not so worried about a billion on education one way or another...we give money away like it's nothing for political reasons supporting other countries. What's wrong with doing some of that here in the USA?

Matter of fact, it should be expanded by states for community college or Trades schools. I don't care for Joe Biden's style of talking or weird whispering, or his way he walks etc.

I don't care for Kamala either...but I'd take them both over a divisive autocratic dictator wannabe any day. The ruin of the GOP will be women who won't be silent about their reproductive rights

Trump will be winning...a front row seat to a jail cell.
DNinja69's Avatar
It has nothing to do with Executive orders and inflation is heading the wrong direction with a President that doesn't even seem to grasp the reality today much less have any idea how to navigate it moving forward.

Trump just won SC but a deeper dive into his numbers indicates he has very little support outside his base which is one reason the polls continue to show he does not have a clear path to win in November.

Given the issues facing our current administration and questions about the old man's functional abilities it should be a slam dunk for the former President but that is not whats happening.

The lack of Trump support in this discussion is quite telling.
The prescription drug prices are coming down. Right now, actually. My healthcare premium just got cheaper for third straight year, too. It's happening.

trump had 4 years to "repeal and replace". He did neither. Biden's changes are real and tangible, and happening right now.
Perhaps these items are not simply presidential executive order items. Some might be policy but the majority are legislative by nature. You can look directly at both the house and Senate and see how little they have fucking done. Many laws could have been drafted better - ended in a better result.

Truthfully inflation is coming down, gas prices too
Chips act, 1st infrastructure bill on almost forever, and COVID abating. Stock market at all time highs, unemployment numbers looking good and wages up ticking. No perfect by far but pretty good. Issues outstanding..immigration and housing costs sky high.

I'm not so worried about a billion on education one way or another...we give money away like it's nothing for political reasons supporting other countries. What's wrong with doing some of that here in the USA?

Matter of fact, it should be expanded by states for community college or Trades schools. I don't care for Joe Biden's style of talking or weird whispering, or his way he walks etc.

I don't care for Kamala either...but I'd take them both over a divisive autocratic dictator wannabe any day. The ruin of the GOP will be women who won't be silent about their reproductive rights

Trump will be winning...a front row seat to a jail cell. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Spot on, sir. There's no objective reasoning to rate Biden's presidency an F. Simply by not being trump, he gets a D+. Truth be told, I give him a B- so far. Not great, but not too fucking bad either. And like the previous 2 Dem POTUS' before him, he inherited a dumpster fire from his predecessor.

trump won't be winning anything except maybe a few more guilty verdicts until it's all said and done. He sure as hell won't be winning with women, or winning a popular vote. Ever. The majority of this country hates the motherfucker, and deservedly so.