The DNC Media blackout of the Laken Riley murder by an illegal

berryberry's Avatar
Just another reason to not trust the mainstream DNC media like CBS, ABC, NBC, etc

With 7.3 million illegal immigrants entering into the country since Joe Biden was inaugurated as president, the national security threat of an unsecured border has become perhaps the biggest issue heading into the 2024 Presidential Election. The border crisis has even overshadowed a stagnant economy and foreign policy that has seen entangle itself in several theaters of war abroad. While the Biden administration brushes off this premise as a racist alt-right fever dream, the reality of that threat has come to affect everyday life for the average american. In its most recent whitewashing of the immigration crisis, the media establishment has all but entirely blacked out the murder Laken Riley, a 22-year old nursing student in Georgia. The lack of coverage about her murder is ostensibly because she was killed by an illegal immigrant who was able to enter the country due to the Biden administration's open-border policy.
Although the tragedy of Riley's murder is befitting of a true crime mystery series that Netflix would capitalize on in a heartbeat, her death has received little attention by their mainstream media cohorts. Despite the hours and hours of airtime dedicated to the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others who died in 2020 as a means of launching the country onto the cusp of an all out race war, Riley's death defies mainstream narratives about the threat the US' open border with Mexico and is thus verboten from the same kind of coverage.

That media blackout obfuscates the reality that unfettered immigration into the US presents an innate threat to citizens. Since the 2021 fiscal year, Border Patrol has arrested 43,674 criminal non-citizens. US Customs And Border Protection defines the term criminal non-citizen as any individual who has been convicted of one or more crimes either in the US or abroad before behind interdicted by immigration officials. The metric also discounts criminal convictions abroad for crimes not illegal in the US. Of those 43,674 criminal non-citizens arrested, violent crimes accounted for over of their 8,000 preexisting convictions. Murder convictions related to 165 of those arrests, while sex crime convictions comprised nearly 10 times that amount with 1,210 having been documented by Border Patrol. Despite being on the books, these figures have received as little coverage by legacy media outlets as Riley's murder has.

Although the media establishment remains silent about the murder of Laken Riley, it can do little to silence the uproar against the Biden administration's manufactured immigration crisis. Even staunch supporters of the Democratic Party have come to express their disapproval of how the border is being handled amid approval ratings for Biden falling to all-time lows. What the coverage surrounding Riley's murder reflects is that there are no lengths the mainstream media will go to in order to push the political agenda fueling the immigration crisis, proving that innocent American lives are little more than political capital when it comes to pushing that agenda.
DNinja69's Avatar

Let me apologize in advance if my fact checking efforts offend anyone.

Maybe I misunderstood the context of 'media blackout' but pretty sure most of the stories I have seen use the word ILLEGAL or UNLAWFUL with regard to immigration status. Many of them even mention the suspects brother and his fake Green Card.

Let the media silence resume.

It is past my bedtime
... Well, it's simple, really... The Dems and their main stream
media allies WANT the illegals pouring into the country.

... They can't wait to house them in hotels and hand them
freebies - even voting rights...

The Media remaining silent when there's illegal migrant crime
and killings like what happened in GA is surely a thumb
in the eye of hard-working Americans. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
The Media remaining silent when there's illegal migrant crime
and killings like what happened in GA is surely a thumb
in the eye of hard-working Americans. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Indeed Salty, indeed

That is why the DNC media has blacked out almost all coverage of Laken Riley's murder by an illegal on their evening news coverage
bambino's Avatar
That’s why people who are awake don’t trust or follow the MSM. It’s propaganda. If you want facts, you have to dig to find it. You can’t be lazy.
bambino's Avatar

Let me apologize in advance if my fact checking efforts offend anyone.

Maybe I misunderstood the context of 'media blackout' but pretty sure most of the stories I have seen use the word ILLEGAL or UNLAWFUL with regard to immigration status. Many of them even mention the suspects brother and his fake Green Card.

Let the media silence resume.

It is past my bedtime Originally Posted by DNinja69
You’re missing the point. The Laken story isn’t being treated like the George Floyd story. It’s being quelled. If a Caucasian male murdered a black nursing student, it would be wall to wall coverage. Capisce.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He was also arrested in New York on charges we can’t mention here, where they simply let him go, and got his job at UGA on a phony green card.
DNinja69's Avatar
You’re missing the point. The Laken story isn’t being treated like the George Floyd story. It’s being quelled. If a Caucasian male murdered a black nursing student, it would be wall to wall coverage. Capisce. Originally Posted by bambino
The name Breonna Taylor comes to mind but this post is about the unfortunate death of a woman by the hands of a violent murderous piece of shit that if the facts weight out deserves to be executed for his acts.

In honor of her family and those whose lives have actually been effected I am checking out of this discussion. There is no blackout this case is being talked about in fair and honest terminology across the board.

RIP Ms Riley. Parent are not supposed to bury their children.

I feel Justice will be done.

And hope it is swift and final.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-26-2024, 02:39 PM
The name Breonna Taylor comes to mind but this post is about the unfortunate death of a woman by the hands of a violent murderous piece of shit that if the facts weight out deserves to be executed for his acts.

In honor of her family and those whose lives have actually been effected I am checking out of this discussion. There is no blackout this case is being talked about in fair and honest terminology across the board.

RIP Ms Riley. Parent are not supposed to bury their children.

I feel Justice will be done.

And hope it is swift and final. Originally Posted by DNinja69

Justice, like the illegal that shot the young woman on the boardwalk in Kalifornia, who was charged and found not guilty by the jury there.

That kind of justice where morons feel worse for the poor illegal immigrant than the parents of the dead woman?
Dr-epg's Avatar
Back on topic please
berryberry's Avatar
Legacy media shields Laken Riley’s alleged killer Jose Ibarra — and his enabler, Senile Biden

Another day, another brutal crime committed by an illegal migrant — and another blind eye turned by the legacy media.

The Associated Press (currently being sued for its links to Hamas) conveniently failed to mention in a report on the Georgia murder of nursing student Laken Riley that suspected killer Jose Antonio Ibarra crossed the US border illegally.

Instead, the once-venerable news outfit chose to make the story about the fears of “solo female athletes” and cited recommendations that female runners “carry pepper spray or a whistle” and “run during daylight hours or with a friend.”

NBC, meanwhile, buried the inconvenient detail of Ibarra being an illegal migrant waaaaaaay down in the 37th paragraph of a Sunday story on the murder.