Even more Democrat voter fraud

berryberry's Avatar
Delaware Court has ruled that the state law, which allows 10 days of early voting, violates the state constitution that the general election is to be held on one day and that the state's Permanent Absentee Voting Statute violates state law by allowing voters to be placed on a permanent absentee voting list where ballots would automatically be sent to them for each election.
DNinja69's Avatar
So many continue to be scared of WHEN and HOW people vote as if that changes the WHY they vote the way they do.

The argument that voter fraud is more or less likely when someone votes absentee or a few days early holds as much water as believing the phone call you just got was actually from Amazon because thats what the caller id says.
Delaware Court has ruled that the state law, which allows 10 days of early voting, violates the state constitution that the general election is to be held on one day and that the state's Permanent Absentee Voting Statute violates state law by allowing voters to be placed on a permanent absentee voting list where ballots would automatically be sent to them for each election. Originally Posted by berryberry
eyecu2's Avatar
it's odd that it' doesn't say it only allowed Dems to vote. The laws are not only sided to one party- If more votes are allowed - are they not allowed to both parties?

I'm betting yes. Those ballots are for ANY party voting for ANY person.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Or no person at all.
DNinja69's Avatar
Trying to argue that one party is doing less to influence an election by using questionable if not wholly unlawful means than the other is an exercise in absurdity.

Technology is bringing more avenues to vote not less.

As it should be.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Voting should be far more restrictive than it is. The age should be raised to at least 25 (35 would be better), only those who are net tax contributors, and the ability to pass a basic civics test would be a good start.
eyecu2's Avatar
Voting should be far more restrictive than it is. The age should be raised to at least 25 (35 would be better), only those who are net tax contributors, and the ability to pass a basic civics test would be a good start. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fuck'n HA HA.

The leading GOP Potus candidate didn't pay ANY tax for almost 20 yrs due to his HUGE losses in the casino industry. Another record at the time was his over 900 Million dollar losses at the place he and his wife were running. Both of them wouldn't be able to have voted for 2 decades. But sure--we'll use your example.

BTW- that same individual couldn't pass a civics test let alone an ethics test; ergo no voting there either.

Dems don't cheat-- they vote. = and lest we forget that it's illegal for any non-citizen to vote in federal elections. Where is the proof that any of this is occuring!??

GOPers bitch, complain and then wonder why they lose! They point the finger at DEMS cause they fail at getting the majority of votes in critical states. Simple math.
Voting should be far more restrictive than it is. The age should be raised to at least 25 (35 would be better), only those who are net tax contributors, and the ability to pass a basic civics test would be a good start. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I can actually agree to most of that, but I'd also cap the voting age at 75-80. If kids and young adults don't get to have a say, neither do old fucks, who probably won't live to see another Presidential election anyway.

And I've been a proponent of voters being required to pass a civics test for decades. It means Republicans would most likely never win another election, or they'd be forced to finally educate themselves. Either way, it would be a big win for the country.
DNinja69's Avatar
Asking voters to pass a test is unconstitutional as is an age exclusion. Then again asking your VP to ignore election results would be as well so its hard to call these ideas archaic.

I am still not sure how removing absentee options or early voting does anything to reduce both sides desire to rig an election. At this point there is as much or more dark money working to influence the election process as legit support.

The DNC based efforts to influence elections seem to be working well according to the rhetoric so my question is what will the GOP do beyond throw their hands up and bitch about mail in ballots?

Surely yhis does not all go away if we just force everyone to line up on election day. Is that the fairy tale we are trying to sell?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
How is it a fairytale? It’s exactly how it was done for a century at least with very few exceptions for absentee ballots that you better have a good reason to need or would be denied.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I've been a proponent of voters being required to pass a civics test for decades. It means Republicans would most likely never win another election, or they'd be forced to finally educate themselves. Either way, it would be a big win for the country. Originally Posted by tommy156
You do realize that huge swathes of the democrat party consists of an amalgamation of groups of grievance mongers, lowlife dregs of society and entitled gimmedats. Be careful what you wish for.
DNinja69's Avatar
Dems are poor excuses for humans. Ahh the fairy tales continue...

Trump was all for mail-in ballots and has participated a number of times... before he was against it.

The story we are being sold would have us believe that as opposed to a system of checks and protocols which exist with directly submitted ballots the concept of mail-in options end up with ballots stuffed in the trunks of DoorDashers and delivered to miscellaneous places in the hope they actually get counted accurately. The fairy tale that Dems win elections because of this is hyperbole masquerading as something more.

Popular talking point since someone running for President literally needs it to be believed in order to keep support within a party that never wanted him in the first place.

Take away all ballot options outside of putting pen to paper and somehow the effort to rig an election goes away? Nonsense.

The money involved alone tells us there will always be those trying to tilt the scales and when you lock the front door they come in the back bar the back door they head for the roof.

Best we can do is try to keep the tampering to a minimum so elections are not won or lost because of it and that war will never be over even if those mail in options were to end
You do realize that huge swathes of the democrat party consists of an amalgamation of groups of grievance mongers, lowlife dregs of society and entitled gimmedats. Be careful what you wish for. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sure, but there are a lot of more of each of those types in the Republican party. Plus, there are fewer Republicans than Democrats, in general.
trump was all for mail-in ballots and has participated a number of times... before he was against it. Originally Posted by DNinja69
This is undeniably true; same goes for the GOP overall. We all know why he hates it now, and wants you to hate it too.