Everyday foibles

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Just one of those everyday things where people's thought process escapes me.

Most modern grocery stores go to great expense to provide freezer units with SEE THROUGH glass doors to aid you in making your selection for puchase!!

Why is it necessary to open that door and then stand there with your head stuffed inside? Are you attempting to kick start your brain or..........do you just like to watch condensation form on the door causing the next person to emulate your idiocy?
ROFLMAO....you know we want to get up close and personal with the food, lol.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-18-2010, 05:46 AM
I know right, I do the same dang thing.....like it is going to look better
if I get up close to it....
DFK Hunter's Avatar
We live in the United States. In the United States we drive on the right side of the road. Hence, one would think, that people would push their shopping cart down the right side of the isle. But Nooooooo!
The number of people who march their cart down the left side or take their half down the middle is stunning. Then they stop to make a selection blocking the isle. When you politely say, "excuse me" they typically look shocked as if this has never happened before and become very apologetic. I just hope they don't drive the way they shop, but somehow I doubt it.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Ever noticed how many times the overhead bins on an airliner get slammed. Every other person puts in a bag, shuts the bin, only to have the next person open and repeat.

Then there are the folks who love to sit on the next machine you need at the gym to bull shit for 20 minutes with their buddy, or text someone, or even talk on the GD phone!
Sometimes we have to stick our heads in the freezer department, because two aisles over someone left their cart in the middle of the aisle and didn't even bother to apologize, and on top of that they took the last of whatever was the shelf, that you were going purchase.

Or maybe that is just me ....Lol
Ever noticed how many times the overhead bins on an airliner get slammed. Every other person puts in a bag, shuts the bin, only to have the next person open and repeat.

Then there are the folks who love to sit on the next machine you need at the gym to bull shit for 20 minutes with their buddy, or text someone, or even talk on the GD phone! Originally Posted by Iaintliein
My fave is the idiot traveler who overstuffs their carry on, and then struggles like the devil trying to wedge the thing into the over head. It gets even more comical when it's a tiny woman, and she can't begin to do it her self.

I had three ladies (none of them particularly trim or attractive, making matters worse...) yak for 21 minutes around the elliptical next to me while I was busting my arse on the stair climber. They were so loud, I could hear them over my iPod. When I politely asked them to move off, they were offended.

Hello, McFly? Where's your common sense???

The Beast's Avatar
I like the way people congregate in front of doors or in the middle of a busy hallway.

Also, driving 5 miles over the speed limit in the passing lane as if it is there God given right because “I’m going fast”.
JohnJohn's Avatar
On doors with a large section of glass, I've always had a problem with people who have to push it open by putting their hands on the glass. What IS that? Drives me nuts! They live in their own little inconsiderate world.

Now excuse me while I grab the windex...grrr!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Or when you're on an airplane and the airplane driver (heh!) comes over the PA.

"Uhhhhh...Hippie Airlines Flight 197. Non-stop service from DFW to LAX.
Uhhhh... this is Cap'n. Rogers. Uhhhhh...and we'd like to take this opportunity to ...Uhhhhh... thank you for choosing... Uhhhh...Hippie Airlines.
Uhhhh...we're currently flying at Uhhhh...32,000 feet. Uhhhh...we're expecting Uhhhh....clear skies ahead. Uhhhh...and an on-time arrival."

I always get a kick out of that.

Memo to the flight Captain: When addressing the galley, feel free to let go of the mic. button while you're collecting your thoughts.
xperiment's Avatar
I know right, I do the same dang thing.....like it is going to look better
if I get up close to it.... Originally Posted by fawn
Looking through glass isn't the same it could be foggy, so open it up. That way you don't have to squint through the glass and get up and personal to examine, touch it, feel it.....wait we are talking about food in the freezer section...sry got of track.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Or when you're on an airplane and the airplane driver (heh!) comes over the PA.

"Uhhhhh...Hippie Airlines Flight 197. Non-stop service from DFW to LAX.
Uhhhh... this is Cap'n. Rogers. Uhhhhh...and we'd like to take this opportunity to ...Uhhhhh... thank you for choosing... Uhhhh...Hippie Airlines.
Uhhhh...we're currently flying at Uhhhh...32,000 feet. Uhhhh...we're expecting Uhhhh....clear skies ahead. Uhhhh...and an on-time arrival."

I always get a kick out of that.

Memo to the flight Captain: When addressing the galley, feel free to let go of the mic. button while you're collecting your thoughts.
Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
LOL, I'm convinced that's part of their training. I know several pilots and I always ask them to use their "captain" voice, LOL.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I like the way people congregate in front of doors or in the middle of a busy hallway... Originally Posted by ksistoobusy
Or meander down the sidewalk stretched from doorstep to curb in a freakin' "company front"
TexTushHog's Avatar
You should also consider the very real possibility that some people are visually impaired in their near vision. Someone who need glasses for reading, but not driving, won't be able to tell much about the packages from middle distance. Of if you're distant vision is impaired, as mine is, and you're not wearing your contacts, etc., you won't be able to read the packaging until you get it within about 18 - 12 inches of your eyes. Now why someone like that would shop without their glasses or contacts, I'll never understand, but it happens all the time.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I do it cause it makes my nipples hard.

Then I walk through the Frozen Foods....and Point at People!

"Hey! How are You! Good To See ya! Yeah, Look at chuuu!"

But, that's just me.

~Kelly TNT