babbits killer identified

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Ashli Babbit’s Killer is a Dangerous Incompetent

By Larry Johnson
Published July 1, 2021 at 3:00pm

A picture is worth a thousand words. So these two pictures tell you two thousand words worth of Ashley Babbit’s. He is demonstrably incompetent.

There are four critical rules for handling any firearm, especially a pistol:
  1. Treat every gun as if it is loaded until you inspect it to ensure there is no ammunition in the chamber.
  2. Always point the gun in a safe direction (in other words, do not point the gun at anything or anyone you are not prepared to kill or destroy).
  3. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
  4. Know your target and what is beyond. You do not fire at a target if there is a person or persons behind the target that do not pose a threat.
Look at the big picture. This moron has his finger on the trigger and is pointing his gun at other security personnel. He is violating all of the gun rules listed above. Every single one.

Making matters worse is what he is doing with his left hand. He is carrying something. When you have the finger of your right hand on the trigger and you are simultaneously using your left hand to grasp or hold something you are likely to cause a sympathetic movement with your trigger finger. The man in the blue shirt is damn fortunate that he was not shot in the back by this clown.

The lack of training discipline this man exhibits is alarming. And the results of this incompetence was the murder of Ashli Babbit. If a cop on the street in any city in America handled a pistol like this he or she would have their gun taken away and be sent back to training. Making matters worse–he took an innocent life.
Ripmany's Avatar
All government people who cares
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Capitol Cop Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt Identified as Michael Leroy Byrd
By sfcmac

Red State Nation
The chief medical examiner in Washington, D.C., confirmed last Wednesday the causes and manners of death of four people who died during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot
Two of the four deaths were ruled natural, one an accident and the fourth a homicide, WTOP reported.

Ashli Babbitt is the person that was murdered.

Image from the report below:

This made Babbit main news amongst Trump supporters and speculation started again about Babbit’s shooter.

The Biden Justice Department announced today it has closed the investigation into the homicide death of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt that took place inside the Capitol during the January 6 riot while Congress was meeting in joint session to certify the November presidential election in favor of Joe Biden. Babbitt, who was unarmed, was shot and killed without apparent warning by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer as she climbed through a broken window in a door at the Speaker’s Lobby.

The name of the officer was not released.

However, last week the Right Journalism reported about an alleged picture of the shooter, they couldn’t verify if that is indeed the shooter but the bracelet of beads on the person’s hand is the same a the man that shoots the decorated Airforce veteran Babbit.

According to Hansen, the picture below was taken from Mike Byrd’s LinkedIn. He has since been almost completely scrubbed from the internet.

Mike Byrd is currently not working and is not staying at his residence either.

……We couldn’t confirm the shooter’s identity and these allegations but Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd was only once involved in a situation where he made the headlines.

According to Fox News back in 2019, a U.S. Capitol police officer was under review after somehow left his Glock 22 pistol inside the bathroom of the structure’s visitor center.

Lt. Mike Byrd forgot to take the weapon with him upon leaving the restroom and it was found “during a routine security sweep” later in the day, officials told Roll Call.

“The Department takes these matters very seriously, and has a very thorough process to investigate and review incidents such as these, and holds personnel accountable for their actions,” Capitol Police spokeswoman Eva Malecki said. “Following the investigation’s conclusion, appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with the Department’s official policies and procedures.”

Byrd is the leader of the House Chambers section of the department and was reportedly back on the job in the days after the incident. He allegedly told his colleagues he “will be treated differently” because of his rank, sources told Roll Call, although it wasn’t immediately clear what he may have meant by the comment.

These allegations are similar to the one that Law and Crime reported about where a U.S. Capitol protester from Texas said that he brought a rope with him to Congress on Jan. 6 threatened days later to lynch a Black police officer that he believed fatally shot Ashli Babbitt, federal prosecutors wrote in a legal brief last month. The startling allegation surfaced in court papers against 34-year-old Garret Miller, whom prosecutors want to keep behind bars pending trial.
When Prog radicals stormed into the state capitols of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Georgia, none of them were shot. When left-wing protesters tried to break down the door to the SCOTUS while Bret Kavanaugh was sworn in, no one was shot.

Antifa and BLM thugs riot, murder, burn, loot, and assault in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, and Brooklyn Center MN, without the media calling them ‘terrorists’ and demanding incarceration or death.

Black men shooting unarmed white women have different criteria. When the narrative suits them, “leftists” transform into apologists for police murder.

There’s a two-tiered system of justice in America. One for Dems and one for everyone else.

Ashli’s family should sue the shit out of him.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Not sure if you can actually tell whether his finger is on the trigger or not. It could be wrapping around the trigger guard. The safety could still be on. He could have a stubby pointer finger. How can you truly know?

What was Ashli thinking? She was going to break into the court room, or whatever that place is, and do what? Isn't this trespassing and breaking and entering? I get that she was unarmed, but did Leroy break any laws by shooting her?

I also find it bizarre that of the 4 people killed, 2 people died from heart attacks and 1 person died from a drug overdose.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Do those people have NO training whatsoever? Let’s all pile up next to a door being breached. Brilliant.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 05:51 AM
Not sure if you can actually tell whether his finger is on the trigger or not. It could be wrapping around the trigger guard. The safety could still be on. He could have a stubby pointer finger. How can you truly know?

What was Ashli thinking? She was going to break into the court room, or whatever that place is, and do what? Isn't this trespassing and breaking and entering? I get that she was unarmed, but did Leroy break any laws by shooting her?

I also find it bizarre that of the 4 people killed, 2 people died from heart attacks and 1 person died from a drug overdose. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Comment - SM - I see at least three people with drawn weapons in this photo. reproduced from above. If the article is correct - and the photographed individual did shoot and cause the deal of Ashli babbit- and she was unarmed and not a threat - a grand jury is indicated.

your thoughts about :]Not sure if you can actually tell whether his finger is on the trigger or not. It could be wrapping around the trigger guard. The safety could still be on. He could have a stubby pointer finger. How can you truly know?' - are irrelevant - and after the fact - Ashli was shot and killed. An investigation and ballistic tests can establish which weapon fired the bullet that killed her - and registration will show in whose hands was that gun.

The circumstances you mention - are irrelelvant - Ashli was shot and killed as an unarmed white female.

Nazi pelosi will never permit a grand jury investigation - another example of teh perversion of teh DOJ to a persecutory arm of teh fiden/fascist DPST administration /party.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea, and the nancy and chuckie show want a commission ( she is in charge of cap pd sooo and we spell cover up ) this is gonna be a clown show kinda like the warren comm
bambino's Avatar
He was identified months ago. It wasn’t a secret. The MSM shut it down.
whats it going to take to stop blacks from shooting unarmed white people?

or for that matter, unarmed any people?
So, when does he receive his medal for bravery? /s
He’s a hero. Sad more insurrectionists weren’t shot. They shoulda opened colors at the first breach.
bambino's Avatar
He’s a hero. Sad more insurrectionists weren’t shot. They shoulda opened colors at the first breach. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yes, John Sullivan, the CNN reporter and the rest of the BLM/Antifa thugs should have been shot.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If the article is correct - and the photographed individual did shoot and cause the deal of Ashli babbit- and she was unarmed and not a threat - a grand jury is indicated.
Keep dreaming. She supported President Trump, executing her is no problem, regardless of if she presented a threat, which she clearly didn’t. Nothing will happen to the guy, except maybe getting a raise and a multi million dollar book deal.

We’ve got people right now wasting away in solitary confinement, for walking through a door that police held open. I believe that they recently released one, but only after repenting for the use of their constitutional rights and pledging allegiance to the Kommissar.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He’s a hero. Sad more insurrectionists weren’t shot. They shoulda opened colors at the first breach. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Since there are no charges of insurrection, only destroying property, trespassing, etc, you should have no problem with cops and owners opening up on unarmed people inside Footlocker or CVS at the next BLM riot, or are you a hypocrite? I’d assume the later, but maybe I’m wrong and you’re just a psycho.
Strangely, he can scrub his social media accounts but the Jan 6 protestors can't or they'll incur additional prison time.

BTW, what's he carrying?