High profile John"s What gives the the sick power!

I would like to get the opinion of others . I would like to know has this happened to any other lady's on here.

I met this gentleman off here a few months back. The very first session he was very generous. Now he takes every inch of advantage he can. He shorts me on my donation. He threatens to turn me into LE, child welfare if I do not participate in his very sick way of playing. I am tired of this man taking advantage of me because I am young and new.

I have set and thought for a month what should I do? I know where he lives. I know the firm he owns. I know he is very involved with the media and gives lots of money too women's organizations . I know the city where he participates on the board.

What would you do? And yes I know just change my number and move .I depend on this right now while I am in school. He also knows where my parents house is. And threatens to send my mom pictures of my online activity.

Shouldn't I just make the first move and out him?
I would like to get the opinion of others . I would like to know has this happened to any other lady's on here.

I met this gentleman off here a few months back. The very first session he was very generous. Now he takes every inch of advantage he can. He shorts me on my donation. He threatens to turn me into LE, child welfare if I do not participate in his very sick way of playing. I am tired of this man taking advantage of me because I am young and new.

I have set and thought for a month what should I do? I know where he lives. I know the firm he owns. I know he is very involved with the media and gives lots of money too women's organizations . I know the city where he participates on the board.

What would you do? And yes I know just change my number and move .I depend on this right now while I am in school. He also knows where my parents house is. And threatens to send my mom pictures of my online activity.

Shouldn't I just make the first move and out him?
Originally Posted by Krystal Kiss
First of all...deep breath...

First, I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

Now, next...No, don't out him. What he is doing most likely rises to the level of extortion.

You need to seek legal advice. You need an attorney to act on you behalf, confront him and basically warn him to cease and desist. And that if he doesn't stop his criminal behavior, you will go to the police.

If you would like the name of someone to speak with, PM me and I'll get you some info on a couple of peope I know.

Good luck and try to stay calm, avoid him and don't do anything rash that will get you into trouble....please.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Shouldn't I just make the first move and out him? Originally Posted by Krystal Kiss
No. If he sees this and has a lick of sense this post should be sufficient to get him to leave you be.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I would suggest that you NOT out him. Why not simply back away from the dude? It sounds like he's become obsessive and that you've allowed it to go as far as it has....TOO far.

It's time to drop the hammer and cut him off...but do NOT break THE Cardinal sin and out him. Keep all of this information handy but use it as leverage to keep him at bay and hopefully he'll back away voluntarily.

And in the future, don't ever disclose anything that could be used to haunt you. This dude knows entirely too much about you. You need to thinck about how he obtained this information and plug that leak in order to keep this from happening again.

Good Luck and I hope this all goes away quietly.



SpiceItUp's Avatar
Wow what an asshole! I'm sorry to hear your struggles. It sounds like you feel extremely trapped in your situation and that's a terrible thing.

I can't help but wonder how and why both of you know so much about each other in real life. Serious operational security breakdowns IMO although to someone truly motivated to do so it wouldn't be that hard to do.

As to what to do? In a true situation of Mutually Assured Destruction launching a nuclear weapon is tantamount to suicide. Unless you are ok with the consequences of him returning the favor I'd be hesitant about outing him. For all you know his wife knows all about his extracurricular activities and he is about to retire and could care less about his reputation anymore. Can you say the same?

If it were me I'd consult an attorney regarding both your risk of him actually being able to turn you into LE and also possible ramifications of outing him including slander lawsuits from his corner. My understanding is that it doesn't matter if your claims are true you can still be sued and have to prove your case in court, expensive and possibly humiliating for you. Additionally the attorney may have advice for you as to how to proceed in regards to his continued coercion and intimidation/threats.

Anyway, I hope everything works out for you! Keep us posted!

If it were me I'd consult an attorney regarding both your risk of him actually being able to turn you into LE and also possible ramifications of outing him including slander lawsuits from his corner. My understanding is that it doesn't matter if your claims are true you can still be sued and have to prove your case in court, expensive and possibly humiliating for you. Additionally the attorney may have advice for you as to how to proceed in regards to his continued coercion and intimidation/threats.

Anyway, I hope everything works out for you! Keep us posted! Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
While anyone can sue anyone at anytime..in defamation of character cases, truth is an absolute defense. You'd most likely win, but it will be both humiliating and expensive.

As far as people commenting about the amount of information he has on you...I'm going to guess this evolved into something more like a sugar daddy/sugar baby situation...
dearhunter's Avatar
What is his handle?
He knows where your parents live? Based on what you know about each other, this sounds like more than a provider/client relationship. Sounds like you ran into a sick fuck who is turning you into a real life sex slave.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-01-2013, 10:58 PM
Yep, this shit sounds familiar. Do what dh said.
He knows where your parents live? Based on what you know about each other, this sounds like more than a provider/client relationship. Sounds like you ran into a sick fuck who is turning you into a real life sex slave. Originally Posted by BFCjosh
Yes...it does and cops don't care about some sugar relationship, but they do care about extortion and terroristic threats...

OP, please contact me...
Never "out" someone's real life info.

Post his handle here. We all deserve to know so ladies can avoid him and other johns will not recommend him or send gals his way.

Quit seeing him. If you keep taking his money, he will continue to do as he pleases.
#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Guest010115-3's Avatar
Such a simple case to solve. If u involve a 3rd party, he will back off. Regardless of who the third party is whether a lawyer, a friend, or your confidant. Seems to me like there is something g of value that u have and u think he will take it away. Make contingency plans for such things and his leverage is gone. Alternatively, involve a 3rd party if u can't handle Jim ur self and he will also disappear.
KatieKatie's Avatar
You probably really ticked him off with this thread. If he has your real life information there is no point in changing your work name. He knows you!
HumbleHobbyist's Avatar
If he's so high-powered and recognizable, he won't risk being outed by starting any sort of proceedings against you. If he threatens to turn you in, that would mean that he would have to be a witness, and have his own name dragged through the mud. He's bluffing.

Next time you see him, bite his dick off. Lol.