Senator Fauxcahauntas Is White

I B Hankering's Avatar
1/1024 = 0.0009765625 = 0.00098 Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
bambino's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
And this:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yah! she's one very diluted indian!
And don't forget she listed herself as "Native American" on
at Harvard. Oh boy! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

That Tweet by Shaprio is so spot on!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There are some very particular terms when it comes to claiming native American ancestry and Beth doesn't make the cut. Of course, counting the drops of "tainted" blood is an old democrat idea.
Fauxcahontas now has documentation that she is at least 99.91% white. [/

She makes some killer Cherokee dishes too:

She has no shame. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I hope she does run, with Hillary as her VP - and they should be seen begging Soros for money, getting endorsed by Diane Feinstein, and kissing Robert O'Rourke with O'Rourke wearing a dress at an anti-gun rally.
Chung Tran's Avatar
that's it. I will now bury my Heart at Wounded Knee.. oh wait, that's not Cherokee.. never mind.

I'm mulling the idea of presenting myself as an Octoroon. are there any Government benefits I can source from that?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that's it. I will now bury my Heart at Wounded Knee.. oh wait, that's not Cherokee.. never mind.

I'm mulling the idea of presenting myself as an Octoroon. are there any Government benefits I can source from that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

isn't octoroon racists?
bambino's Avatar
Orin Hatch is part T-Rex!!!!!!!

That lying, simple fuck Warren is getting bitchslapped by everyone!
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'm part slut (LOL) Professor Bustammate Did the test without knowing where the sample came from , If I was Dumper I would call her bluff , Take sample like crime and send to 2 labs And then IF her came back 1/1024 part I would donate the money. Just me
Bustamante said fraudazuma's dna "suggests" a connection with some brown personage

that's about as weasely a "proof" as you can get

now on the other hand fraudazuma had said her grandparents were run out of town when they wanted to get married due to racism because her mother was, obviously substantially enough for all to see and know, Cherokee and Delaware; she wanted to be a victim so bad and be able to tell all who would listen, yes she too knew discrimination
bambino's Avatar
Bustamante said fraudazuma's dna "suggests" a connection with some brown personage

that's about as weasely a "proof" as you can get Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He said somewhere in Peru, Venezuela or Columbia. Maybe she’s an Inca or Aztec Indian.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trump may be more native American than Warren...

Good video!
And President Trump is all dragon.

This test and the interpretation is a sham. The spin that some of media is putting on it shows how pro-Democrat and anti-Trump they are. And as some has said, how invested they are in "identity politics" to the point of becoming ridiculous.

Now if Senator Warren would just do a rain dance and put an end to global warming.....