Making bigotry fun again...thanks democrats

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A popular word is being bandied around nowadays, "intersectionality." What does it mean? It is a short hand method of checking off social boxes. When you looking for a provider you may;

look for only blondes

look for only Asian women

look for local women

look for someone who is inexpensive

Each is a box that you check off before you begin your search. You might say that these are your preferences. However, science has now made it fashionable to have a preference. With "intersectionality" one can immediately cross out any black women, fat women, or red heads and it all about science and not because you may be a bigot.

It works this way in politics for democrats; you apply a certain value to certain things. The actual number doesn't really matter because it is all very personal. For instance, when you vote you may automatically give any republican candidate a minus 20 rating. Now along comes a republican candidate; she is a lesbian (one box), has a PhD (another box), she is a veteran (box), she is in a committed relationship with her high school sweetheart (box), she is pro-choice (box), and an entrepreneur (box). Now depending on how much value you place on each box (remember, it's a personal choice) she may score very high as a candidate but because she is a republican she has a 20 point deficit to overcome. So a committed democrat would rather vote for a philandering, drunken, letch than the very good republican candidate because besides being a democrat he is black. So candidates, associates, peers, and favorites can now be pre-determined by race, sexual preference, real sex, or values. Bigotry is now scientific according to the democrats. We on the right much prefer to listen to what someone believes in, see how they demonstrate their character, and look at their track record of keeping promises, accomplishing tasks, and just getting through life BEFORE we decide if they are worthwhile.
More than politics; they have actually polled that a rigid democrat is less likely to date a republican than the opposite. Someone who is pro-choice is less likely to date a pro-life person than the opposite
Someone who is anti-second amendment is less likely to date a gun owner than the opposite.

Yeah, this is a new bigotry brought to you by the same people who brought you late term abortion, eugenics, and open borders.


the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
coded bigotry disguised as moral superiority.

thats intersectionality. that came out of the universities.