Lawmakers on the House Republican Study Committee are unveiling their own budget for the upcoming fiscal year on Tuesday that they say would balance the budget in just five years.

The committee says its plan balances the budget by fiscal year 2017.
I don't have the time or the inclination to read it, but let me guess:

1. Lower taxes for rich people.

2. Cut social security/medicaid/medicare benefits or extend the time for when people are available to receive same.

3. Lower taxes for rich people.

4. Cut spending on education, environmental protection, and all social services.

5. Lower taxes for rich people.

Does that about cover it?
joe bloe's Avatar
Lawmakers on the House Republican Study Committee are unveiling their own budget for the upcoming fiscal year on Tuesday that they say would balance the budget in just five years.

The committee says its plan balances the budget by fiscal year 2017.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I hope the plan is feasible. I'm afraid that we've passed the point of no return in dealing with entitlement spending; and without that, we'll never balance the budget. When you have to ask people to voluntarily take a smaller welfare check (or no welfare check), you're wasting your time.

The parasites are feeding off the producers and they're not going to voluntarily stop. Just like in nature, at some point the parasites eventually kill the host.
waverunner234's Avatar
I don't have the time or the inclination to read it, but let me guess:

1. Lower taxes for rich people.

2. Cut social security/medicaid/medicare benefits or extend the time for when people are available to receive same.

3. Lower taxes for rich people.

4. Cut spending on education, environmental protection, and all social services.

5. Lower taxes for rich people.

Does that about cover it? Originally Posted by timpage
Sorry I think you forgot a few:

6. Lower the minimum wage or just skip it totally.

7. Cut all regulations for big banks and rich corporations so it is easier to abuse poor people and make bigger profits.

8. Skip Capital Gains Tax so rich people can get a bit richer.

I'm sure I can come up with a few or a lot more but I don't have the time now.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-28-2012, 05:03 PM
look at the details of Ryans plan ... if Ryans plan takes 24 years it isnt hard to pinpoint the details of the committees

Ryan's x 5

remember when the same committee announced their plan after the first Ryan budget was announced? That was right after the republicans won a house majority, now, only months BEFORE an election they actully think announcing radical cuts will get them elected ??? dont anyone tell them the far right fringe doesnt carry enough votes to elect a dogcatcher ..

these morons have the worst sense of timing Ive ever seen ... must be the dems fault.
BigLouie's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
The last time the Republicans came up with a Grand Plan was when Bush first took office. The Republicans promised to cut spending on a number of agencies and totally eliminate others. The result? By the time Bush left office spending had actually increased for all agencies and not one had been cut.

Balance the budget? Never going to happen because the rich and powerful will not want to do their part.
Q---Who was President the last time we had a balanced budget?

A---It was the one standing tall between the two Bushes!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Neither party will seriously tackle the budget.
  • Laz
  • 03-28-2012, 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by BigLouie
The problem is that the 3% increase does not make enough difference to matter and is not accompanied by serious spending cuts that are necessary to solve the problem. So show us the spending cuts first. After that we can discuss the 3% tax increase.

FYI - Teachers are not paid by the federal government.
The problem is that the 3% increase does not make enough difference to matter and is not accompanied by serious spending cuts that are necessary to solve the problem. So show us the spending cuts first. After that we can discuss the 3% tax increase.

FYI - Teachers are not paid by the federal government. Originally Posted by Laz
Would have to agree, that is pretty stupid putting those two statements together in one sentence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Too bad about Clinton...he said it would take him seven years to balance the budget in 1995 and the GOP took over the House and the Senate in 1997 (January), then the budget was balanced in a year and a half. It always takes a GOP Congress to balance the budget.

I see that Louie is plagarizing again. Not much use commenting any further.
It always takes a GOP Congress to balance the budget. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If that is the case then why did the GOP members of both the House of Representatives and Senate unanimously vote against the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (otherwise known as the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993) that eventually served as a driving force behind the balanced budget during Clinton's 2nd term in office?

Where was the GOP then?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-29-2012, 07:45 AM
It always takes a GOP Congress to balance the budget.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It may take a GOP congress but they need a Democrat in the White House.

Remember that same GOP led congress with a GOP President blew through that balanced budget.

Not that I agree that the budget was actually balanced.

I hope the plan is feasible. I'm afraid that we've passed the point of no return in dealing with entitlement spending; and without that, we'll never balance the budget. When you have to ask people to voluntarily take a smaller welfare check (or no welfare check), you're wasting your time.

The parasites are feeding off the producers and they're not going to voluntarily stop. Just like in nature, at some point the parasites eventually kill the host. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You do understand that SS is fully funded for the next 20 years....can we say that about Defense Spending?

No. So taxes need to be raised for the Defense Industry. Lets get this math straight.
waverunner234's Avatar
Not much use commenting any further. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's so true, so why don't you stop commenting completely?
Not much use anyway. Why waste your time?