Dirk??Carlisle??Dampier??Kidd? ?
Someone Please Tell me WTF?? Done in by Spurs??
Excuse all the FREAKIN question marks but that's all I have....QUESTIONS?

Any of you Cats got any ANSWERS?????CAUSE I'M DONE
Let me get this straight. Roddy B. comes in and scores about 16 points in 12 minutes, and you go back to Terry (who was scoreless) in the 4th quarter? And finally decide to go back to Roddy with two minutes to go and an eight point deficit?

I like Carlisle, but I think he should have stayed with the hot hand. I feel bad for Dirk, as I do when this happens every year, but some changes need to be made. Dampier, Terry and especially Marion--bye bye.
Dirk has proven to be one of the biggest chokers of all time and Cuban has proven to be one of the biggest assholes of all time.

Blurr 7's Avatar
Carlisle is an idiot. He let Roddy B. rot on the bench in the 4th quarter even after he went in and scored 16 and was the only spark the Mavs had. Then he tries to avoid the question in the press conference and tries to say that he put him in down the stretch. Yeah after the game was already decided. Bottom line Pop out coached him. You can't put this on Cuban he is the only reason the Mavs have been a factor for the last ten years did we forget about the 90's Mavs. Also Dirk can only do so much he got no help again.
Int3rested's Avatar
It's bs where is the wil to win. I don't get it. Why play the game. Bs
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Looking forward to next year.....
Same owner
Same attitude
Same talent.....only another year older.
Dirk has proven to be one of the biggest chokers of all time Originally Posted by wildcat
Well, that's just straight-up HORSESHIT. You can't lay this series failure at Dirk's feet, but there's always some hater who will try. I didn't see anyone else scoring 30+ for the Mavs tonight and Dirk is constantly double-teamed and missed most of the first half. I'm not sure WTF else you want him to do. Someone else has to step up. If you want to call someone a choker that would be Terry. Once again, we see his annual disappearing act when the chips are down. What was he, 1 for 7 combined with his usual poor defense? In an elimination game? Again? Enough of this already!

But, it's the same story every year: Mavs are still a 1 player team. No other major offensive threat. And, don't get me started on Carlisle - Letting the only other guy who is consistently scoring get cold on the bench until it's too late and playing Mr. Vanishing Act instead??? Are ya kidding me? Why the fuck wasn't Roddy playing big minutes this whole series? Is Carlisle dumb or stupid?
Looking forward to next year.....
Same owner
Same attitude
Same talent.....only another year older.
Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
I hate it when you are right like that....

Tonight, I blame the coach. wrong people in to get the job done.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Dirk has proven to be one of the biggest chokers of all time and Cuban has proven to be one of the biggest assholes of all time.

NUF SAID Originally Posted by wildcat
You're crazy!! Dirk was a horse the entire series. He had one semi off game (Game 5) and still averaged over 30 points in the series. He looked like a All-NBA, former MVP should look.

If you're want someone to blame, Kidd and Terry scored 5 points between them in Game 6. I understand why Carlisle went with Terry as a proven commodity rather than the rookie Beaubois. Roddy did have a pretty bone headed turn over right before he sat down.

Part of the plan next year has to be to force feed Beaubois minutes during the regular season whether he's ready or not. And he will be much more ready after this year and a summer being the go to guy on the LV summer league and the Rockie Mt. Summer League Mavs team
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
This Mavs team is just too old and soft at times, some of this roster has to go. Some needs:
  1. Young attacking shooting guard .. who can create his own shot. (Eric Gordon comes to mind)
  2. A real post-up player (a pipe dream .. those guys are never around)
  3. Or a young athletic wing. (dare I dream a sign-and-trade for .... Rudy Gay)
.. One of those should be what the Mavs hunt for. I say everybody outside of Dirk should be available for trade. I doubt Nelson will make any moves. Hey, you never know maybe Butler takes some control of this team this off season. This team needs to be the guys pushing other teams around. We played the Spurs game and lost.
Randall Creed's Avatar
How tall is Dirk? 7? For a cat his height, he has no inside presence on D whatsoever. He's a great shooter,yes, but he seems to rely only on scoring. Bball is a two way game. You've got to contribute on both ends of the floor. I think he's worse for the Mavericks when he's making shots, because the more he makes the less defense he's willing to play. Seems like the Mav's best defense is to trade baskets with whomever they're playing. When that doesn't work, they get into trouble real quick.
Avery Johnson was fired for trying to get Dirk to go to the hole and play defense. Because he knew in the playoffs everything is about fouls and defense. You can get away with shooting 3's and jump shots in the regular season but that shit don't fly when everything counts.
I'm not blaming Dirk cause that's just how he plays but man you've got to have somebody slashing to the rim and attemting lay-ups. Time to ship Dirk, do you really want to pay him 21m next year for another 45-50 win regular season. Only to suffer a 1st round knockout?? By a SEVENTH SEED??
Blurr 7's Avatar
They may not have the option to ship him out since he also has the option to opt out of his contract for next year and become a free agent. Either way we will see what happens this summer.
Whatever happens, Jet and Damp need to go - both are one dimensional, if that.
lol lol Lol Lol Lol