Need Advice

We have been married 23yrs. She had one affair that lasted 5 months (she said three months but I'm assuming five plus) after we were married 6yrs. I left her for a year and we got back together. I was faithful to her for 11yrs until I caught her texting someone and saying,"I want to fuck you but I can't do that again. I'll lose my husband and kids if he finds out". Kudos for not doing it but WTF! Gut instinct told me she was cheating so I found eccie. I got on here purely for the sex:. I wasn't getting it at home so I decided I'd try eccie since it seemed safe.

We've had a good year but now she is acting a little weird again and I think she may be cheating or trying to cheat again.

I'm horny has hell and just want to fuck or get a bbbjcim!!!! What in the hell do I do? I have two kids. I don't want to lose them and I don't need any BS! I'm tired if jacking off!

Anyone else in/has been in this situation?

Ladies, I'im sure this turns you away from me but I truly am at a loss!
Wow that's a sad situation & unfortunately, all too common.
Your marriage sounds like it's pretty much over. Unless you want to grab her, tell her how bad you want to fuck her brains out & tell her she's a fool for fucking around (or wanting to) since she can get all she wants from you.
Remind her of what she's missing.

On the other hand, divorce doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to lose your kids. You still have kids & you have every legal right to be with them. (Unless your violent) Cheating on a spouse doesn't carry all of the horrible stigma that it used to. Because it's sooo common now.

I got divorced after 22 years, were both way happier & the kids are too. We don't fight anymore & we're actually friends now. There's a lot less stress. The game of denial & oppression is exhausting. And it eats away at your soul. There's no way to set a good, healthy example for kids if you're both miserable. And you can't hide that either.
I wish you the very best. There is no simple answer though, sorry.
Except maybe one simple answer....go get laid & keep denying that anything is wrong.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Totally agree with Terra. Most concerning is that you're not setting a good example for your children to be able to see a healthy relationship.
micktoz's Avatar
Been through that too. Great advice was given above. It was really important for me to show the kid how a mature adult should behave. We (kids) do what they do. So, I behaved in a way that showed responsibility to myself, to them and to the SO.
And I got laid by ladies that wanted to get laid, whether paid or not.
Good luck.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
just pay for it and be done with it .. looks like you been any ways doing this
so what has changed ?. maybe sit and talk about your sex life ..
I know my ex was not giving me what I waned so I cheated for 7years on him
with the same person .. not saying your sex life with your wife went south and that's why she went on cheating
NSA is best so get out your wallet and enjoy what you can ..
We have been married 23yrs. She had one affair that lasted 5 months (she said three months but I'm assuming five plus) after we were married 6yrs.

We've had a good year but now she is acting a little weird again and I think she may be cheating or trying to cheat again. Originally Posted by learnm32000
Just hobby when U can. Don't change Ur home status cause U will pay out Ur ass.
Get copys of anything U can on her cheating for if she tries to leave.
As of home sex, Cut her off. But she will start watching U close.
pick up a golf hobby, U don't have to play just say U go hit the balls and never go to the same range.
just make sure U have a hobby phone and hide/delete Ur internet tracks the hours U shop for providers. When U go to the store pull a few extra 20s from the bank or if U have other was to fund the hobby good for U.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-08-2017, 03:53 PM
Why is it so hard for the average relationship to just be honest with each other after so long?

She wants to fuck around, so do you. Have a conversation about it. Sucks, will be rough for a while until you both sort it out. Either you two will come up with a solution that suits the both of you and your goals while still responsible for the kids, or you will divorce, and life will continue (and probably for the best for everyone).

I am a firm believer that if you don't like your life, change it.
ElBombero's Avatar
+1 on TerraLyn's comments. I divorced my kids' mom 17 years ago. My relationship with my kids has always been great. Don't let the kids keep you together if either of you don't want to be there. And, if you want her to stick around, taking to her would be better than fucking around. But, even then, be prepared for the fact that she may want out, if confronted. Nothing's worse than sticking together if one or both aren't happy.
Why is it so hard for the average relationship to just be honest with each other after so long?

She wants to fuck around, so do you. Have a conversation about it. Sucks, will be rough for a while until you both sort it out. Either you two will come up with a solution that suits the both of you and your goals while still responsible for the kids, or you will divorce, and life will continue (and probably for the best for everyone).

I am a firm believer that if you don't like your life, change it. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
This is the only real solution. Talk, discuss, and let the chips fall where they may. Eventually things will come out one way or another.

Staying together for the kids doesn't work. The kids know. They learn bad habits and they learn to argue, fight, cheat, and hide the truth.
paulspidey's Avatar
Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh. Do u want a very good counselors # and i dont mean emotional. A legal counselor. Let me know.
pyramider's Avatar
Once a cheater always a cheater. There are websites on how to catch a cheater. Start googling.
FunInDFW's Avatar
This is like going to a casino and asking a bookie what you should do with your money. You're unhappy with the rate of return it's currently making, want a better payout, regardless of risk.

Instead, you should be going to Wu-Tang Financial.

Why is it so hard for the average relationship to just be honest with each other after so long?

She wants to fuck around, so do you. Have a conversation about it. Sucks, will be rough for a while until you both sort it out. Either you two will come up with a solution that suits the both of you and your goals while still responsible for the kids, or you will divorce, and life will continue (and probably for the best for everyone).

I am a firm believer that if you don't like your life, change it. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
NO NO NO he needs to wait!
Divorce will cost him out of the A$$.
She will get the kids, shack up with guys paying her rent and he will have to pay child support.
She will win big time!
Seen it happen many of times.
Spikebaby's Avatar
Why is it so hard for the average relationship to just be honest with each other after so long?

She wants to fuck around, so do you. Have a conversation about it. Sucks, will be rough for a while until you both sort it out. Either you two will come up with a solution that suits the both of you and your goals while still responsible for the kids, or you will divorce, and life will continue (and probably for the best for everyone).

I am a firm believer that if you don't like your life, change it. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

100% agree!
TinMan's Avatar
Some things are more important than money. Not forcing kids to live in a screwed-up household is one of those things, IMO.