I’ve seen this over and over and over. While looks and physical attraction are important, second to that might be a sense of humor as a sought after quality in a guy. That’s worked very well for me. But what is it with the guys that treat woman like crap. No job, no car, no money, they don't take care of themselves; they're rude selfish and just treat woman like crap. And that’s the guy you almost always chase. You do so blowing by one nice guy after another. It’s like an addiction.
Example: I have two employees. One is on the verge of getting fired on a regular basis. He is late, forgetful, lazy and treats woman like crap. I've seen it. He dresses like a bum. Not sure if he has ever combed his hair. Seldom does he shave. And I'm not sure he baths every day. His car looks like a trash can. He's always broke. His boss, about the same age, they are friends. They have known each other for years. The boss makes more money and has been promoted. He is responsible. Always on time. He owns a Mustang hot rod. Not sure if it’s ever been dirty. Always has money in his pocket. Super nice guy. Now guess which one the lady's chase. You guess it.
Can one of you lady’s explain this phenomena to me? The only thing I can think of is that woman, have this built in motherly thing that tells them they can fix the guy! Woman then go on to marring these guys and are caught up in these abusive relationships we hear so much about.
Love some insight and a lady’s prospective!